Portal talk:Montenegro
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Welcome to Portal:Montenegro. This is the talk page for the Portal. You can freely write in Serbian ijekavian and your messages will be translated.
Dobrodošli na Portal Crne Gore. Ovdje je stranica za razgovor. Možete slobodno pisati na Srpskom jeziku, a vaše poruke će biti prevedene.
Добродошли на Портал Црне Горе. Овдје је страница за разговор. Можете слободно писати на Српском језику, а ваше поруке ће бити преведене.
[edit] Countries that were Part of Yugoslavakia and participating in FIFA world cup 2006.
Can anybody suggest which are the countries that were once a part of Yugoslavakia and now participating in FIFA world Cup 2006. To my knowledge there are 4 cuntries i know only 2 of them they are Croatia and Serbia and Montenegro. Which are the other 2 countries?
Thanks Manjith A. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs).
[edit] Biography and person
Hi - what's the point in having both biography and featured person, on top of selected article? Don't make no sense. Why not have a featured picture? Rama's Arrow 20:11, 1 July 2006 (UTC)