Image:Mouse white background.jpg
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Mouse_white_background.jpg (300 × 200 pixel, file size: 10 KB, MIME type: image/jpeg)
File links
- Lamia (animal)
- African Pygmy Mouse
- Caviidae
- Woolly Flying Squirrel
- Pine squirrel
- Ground squirrel
- Franklin's ground squirrel
- Agouti (genus)
- Sand Rat
- Spermophilus
- European Beaver
- Harvest Mouse
- Greater Long-tailed Hamster
- Maned Rat
- Mexican Prairie Dog
- Heteromyidae
- Octodon
- Turkish hamster
- Bush Rat
- Gull Island vole
- Four-toed jerboa
- Water Vole (North America)
- Tundra Vole
- Saint Lucia Giant Rice-rat
- Short-tailed Hopping Mouse
- Nelson's Rice Rat
- Antillean Giant Rice Rat
- Maclear's Rat
- Bulldog Rat
- Darwin's Rice Rat
- Pemberton's Deer Mouse
- Lesser Stick-nest Rat
- Red-backed vole
- Pallid Beach Mouse
- Little Swan Island hutia
- Bavarian pine vole
- Water Rat
- Tacoma Pocket Gopher
- Taiga Vole
- Rock Vole
- Long-tailed Vole
- Heather vole
- Tree vole
- Australian Swamp Rat
- Castoreum
- Lesser Bandicoot Rat
- Nonsense Rat
- Grasshopper mouse
- Giant Beaver
- Woodland Vole
- Prairie Vole
- Long-eared Flying Mouse
- Berdmore's Ground Squirrel
- Long-tailed Mouse
- Gopher (animal)
- Dipodomyinae
- Edible dormouse
- Hazel Dormouse
- Yellow-necked Mouse
- Gundi
- Zapodinae
- Field Vole
- Bank Vole
- Chinchilla rat
- Abrocoma
- Cotton rat
- Dipodoidea
- Gerbillus acticola
- Gerbillus poecillops
- Pleasant Gerbil
- Gerbillus principulus
- Gerbillus quadrimaculatus
- Gerbillus juliani
- Gerbillus ruberrimus
- Harwood's Gerbil
- Gerbillus muriculus
- Gerbillus zakariai
- Gerbillus cosensi
- Anderson's Gerbil
- Gerbillus bonhotei
- Gerbillus riggenbachi
- Gerbillus allenbyi
- Gerbillus bilensis
- Gerbillus
- Myomorpha
- White-footed Mouse
- Wistar rat
- Hamster wheel
- Mohave Ground Squirrel
- Coues' Rice Rat
- Washington Ground Squirrel
- Preble's meadow jumping mouse
- Grizzled Giant Squirrel
- Mountain Paca
- Cane rat
- Plains Pocket Mouse
- Castorimorpha
- Mesocricetus
- Black squirrel
- Sunburned Rat
- White-tailed Antelope Squirrel
- Amur Lemming
- Neochoerus pinckneyi
- Abert's Squirrel
- Template:Rodent-stub
- Muricide
- Amazon Bamboo Rat
- Japanese dwarf flying squirrel
- Himalayan marmot
- Chinese Dormouse
- Black Agouti
- Azara's Agouti
- Black-rumped Agouti
- Green Acouchi
- Red Acouchi
- Central American Agouti
- Black-tailed Prairie Dog
- Indian Giant Squirrel
- Mount Kahuzi climbing mouse
- White-tipped tufted-tailed rat
- Greater big-footed mouse
- Chapa pygmy dormouse
- Yellow-crowned Brush-tailed Rat
- Namdapha flying squirrel
- Bolivian Squirrel
- Amazon Dwarf Squirrel
- Northern Amazon Red Squirrel
- Yellow-throated Squirrel
- Neotropical Pygmy Squirrel
- South American Tree Porcupine
- Black-tailed Hairy Dwarf Porcupine
- Bahia Hairy Dwarf Porcupine
- Orange-spined Hairy Dwarf Porcupine
- Van Roosmalen's Porcupine
- Koopman's Porcupine
- Cyprus Spiny Mouse
- Goff's Pocket Gopher
- Red-bellied squirrel
- Pseudoltinomys
- Garrido's Hutia
- European Hamster
- Cavia
- Bobak Marmot
- Florida Woodrat
- Key Largo Woodrat
- Mexican Woodrat
- Arctic Ground Squirrel
- Gerbillus campestris
- Anomalurus
- Bullimus
- Golden Spiny Mouse
- Siberian Chipmunk
- Cuscomys ashaninka
- Cuscomys oblativus
- Red tailed black squirrel
- Geocapromys
- Jamaican coney
- Painted Tree Rat
- Utah Prairie Dog
- Ischyromys
- Steneofiber
- Telicomys
- Birbalomys
- Eocardia
- Paramys
- Leptomys
- New Guinea Waterside Rat
- Paraleptomys
- Myophiomyidae
- Myophiomyinae
- Phiomyoides
- Myophiomys
- Elmerimys
- Phiocricetomyinae
- Phiocricetomys
- Orkney vole
- Southwestern Water Vole
- Eocardiidae
- Vacanti mouse
- Asiatic Long-tailed Climbing Mouse
- Brazilian Guinea Pig
- Shiny Guinea Pig
- Santa Catarina´s Guinea Pig
- Greater Guinea Pig
- Yellow-toothed Cavy
- Spix's Yellow-toothed Cavy
- Acrobatic Cavy
- Brazilian Tuco-tuco
- Flammarion's Tuco-tuco
- Tiny Tucu-tuco
- Natterer's Tuco-tuco
- Rondon's Tuco-tuco
- Collared Tuco-tuco
- Owl's Spiny Rat
- Bishop's Fossorial Spiny Rat
- Brown-headed Spiny Rat
- Bolivian Bamboo Rat
- White-faced Tree Rat
- Giant Tree Rat
- Plain Brush-tailed Rat
- Prehensile-tailed Rat
- Brandt's Guiara
- Fischer's Guiara
- Dark Brush-tailed Tree Rat
- Southern Bamboo Rat
- Tuft-tailed Spiny Tree Rat
- Long-tailed Tree Rat
- Spiny Tree Rat
- Furtive Spiny Tree Rat
- Surinam Spiny Tree Rat
- Golden Atlantic Tree Rat
- Red-nosed Tree Rat
- Drab Atlantic Tree Rat
- Moojen's Atlantic Tree Rat
- Palid Atlantic Tree Rat
- Lundi's Atlantic Tree Rat
- Mantiqueira Atlantic Tree Rat
- Thomas' Atlantic Tree Rat
- Black-spined Atlantic Tree Rat
- Rusty-sided Atlantic Tree Rat
- Giant Atlantic Tree Rat
- Wagner's Atlantic Tree Rat
- Venezuelan Spiny Rat
- Huallaga Spiny Rat
- Cayenne Spiny Rat
- Cuvier's Spiny Rat
- Tefe Spiny Rat
- Gardner's Spiny Rat
- Goeldi's Spiny Rat
- Guyanan Spiny Rat
- Javari Spiny Rat
- Long-tailed Spiny Rat
- Mouse-tailed Spiny Rat
- Para Spiny Rat
- Patton's Spiny Rat
- Napo Spiny Rat
- Simon's Spiny Rat
- Steere's Spiny Rat
- Punare
- White-spined Spiny Rat
- Atlantic Spiny Rat
- Rio de Janeiro Spiny Rat
- Graceful Spiny Rat
- Ihering's Spiny Rat
- Mirapitanga Spiny Rat
- Moojen's Spiny Rat
- Espirito Santo Spiny Rat
- Hairy Spiny Rat
- Yonenaga's Spiny Rat
- Ruschi's Rat
- Azara's Grass Mouse
- Cursor Grass Mouse
- Lindbergh's Grass Mouse
- Montane Grass Mouse
- Caparaó Grass Mouse
- Paraná Grass Mouse
- Reig's Grass Mouse
- Sao Paulo Grass Mouse
- Cerrado Grass Mouse
- Paraguayan Rice Rat
- Emmons's Rice Rat
- Brazilian Rice Rat
- Macconnell's Rice Rat
- Marinho Rice Rat
- Elegant Rice Rat
- Allen's Rice Rat
- Big-headed Rice Rat
- Seuanez's Rice Rat
- Terraced Rice Rat
- Yungas Rice Rat
- Arboreal Rice Rat
- Bicolored Arboreal Rice Rat
- Cleber's Arboreal Rice Rat
- Unicolored Arboreal Rice Rat
- Mamore Arboreal Rice Rat
- Brazilian Arboreal Rice Rat
- King Arboreal Rice Rat
- Robert's Arboreal Rice Rat
- Trinidad Arboreal Rice Rat
- Chacoan Pygmy Rice Rat
- Delta Pygmy Rice Rat
- Brazilian Pygmy Rice Rat
- Yellow Pygmy Rice Rat
- Fulvous Pygmy Rice Rat
- Small-eared Pygmy Rice Rat
- Black-footed Pygmy Rice Rat
- Straw-colored Pygmy Rice Rat
- Bristly Mouse
- Guiana Bristly Mouse
- Jurua Bristly Mouse
- Manu Bristly Mouse
- Negro Bristly Mouse
- Northern Bristly Mouse
- Narrow-footed Bristly Mouse
- Amazonian Hocicudo
- Angular Hocicudo
- Caparaó Hocicudo
- Hispid Hocicudo
- Long-nosed Hocicudo
- Robert's Hocicudo
- Red Hocicudo
- White-nosed Brucie
- Gray-bellied Brucie
- Red-bellied Brucie
- Ihering's Hocicudo
- Soricine Brucie
- Large Vesper Mouse
- Small Vesper Mouse
- Delicate Vesper Mouse
- Tocantins Vesper Mouse
- Striped Atlantic Forest Rat
- Pallid Atlantic Forest Rat
- Gray Leaf-eared Mouse
- Web-footed Marsh Rat
- Wagner's Marsh Rat
- Lesser Wilfred's Mouse
- Wilfred's Mouse
- Candango Mouse
- Molelike Mouse
- Woolly Giant Rat
- Cane Mouse
- Brasilia's Mouse
- Hairy-tailed Bolo Mouse
- Scaly-footed Water Rat
- Gardner's Climbing Mouse
- White-footed Climbing Mouse
- MacConnell's Climbing Mouse
- Long-tailed Climbing Mouse
- Splendid Climbing Mouse
- Cerrado Mouse
- Hairy-eared Cerrado Mouse
- Blackish Grass Mouse
- Alston's Cotton Rat
- Hispid Cotton Rat
- Waterhouse's Swamp Rat
- Ucayali Spiny Mouse
- Rio de Janeiro Arboreal Rat
- Brazilian False Rice Rat
- Brazilian Arboreal Mouse
- Red-nosed Mouse
- Greater Wilfred's Mouse
- Short-tailed Cane Rat
- Damaraland Mole Rat
- Pygmy rice rat
- Black-footed Tree-rat
- Giant White-tailed Rat
- Tenerife Giant Rat
- Twiggy the Water-Skiing Squirrel
- Diamantomyidae
- Eomyidae
- Heliscomyidae
- Rhizospalax
- Eutypomyidae
- Mojavemyidae
- Eurymylidae
- Armintomys
- Anomalomyidae
- Simimyidae
- Neoepiblemidae
- Phiomyidae
- Kenyamyidae
- Bathyergoides
- Tsaganomys
- Hopi chipmunk
- Long-tailed Birch Mouse
- Gunnison's Prairie Dog
- White-tailed Prairie Dog
- Cypriot mouse
- Belding's Ground Squirrel
- Reed Vole
- Cliff Chipmunk
- Vesper mouse
- Oecomys
- Sphiggurus
- Trinomys
- Rhipidomys
- Proechimys
- Phyllomys
- Neacomys
- Ailuravus macrurus
- Mesomys
- Echimys
- Ord's Kangaroo Rat
- Yellow-faced Pocket Gopher
- Morro Bay kangaroo rat
- Majorcan Giant Dormouse
- Minorcan Giant Dormouse
- Proechimys semispinosus
- Oenomys
- American Fancy Rat and Mouse Association
- Sprague Dawley rat
- Cloud rat
- Peromyscus crinitus
- Desert pocket mouse
- Northern Birch Mouse
- Southern Birch Mouse
- Panay Cloudrunner
- Smith's Bush Squirrel
- African bush squirrel
- Indefatigable Galapagos Mouse
- Thirteen-lined ground squirrel
- Southeastern Pocket Gopher
- Tatra Pine Vole
- Sumichrast's vesper rat
- Lesser Egyptian Jerboa
- African striped squirrel
- Sun squirrel
- Baiomys
- Montane Guinea Pig
- Bathyergus
- Cryptomys
- Cape mole rat
- Silvery Mole Rat
- Dactylomys
- Olallamys