Muhammad al-Qadiri
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Muhammad Ibn al-Tayyib al-Qadiri (1612-1673) was a Moroccan historian and author of Nashir al-Mathani: The Chronicles, (dealing with the Saadian era), Mission Scientifique du Maroc, French translation: A. Graulle, and P. Maillard (Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1913)
Full title of al-Mathani (The Chronicles): Nashr al-mathani li-ahl al-qarn al-hadi 'ashr wa al-thani. Edited by A. Tawfiq and M. Hijji. 4 vols. Rabat, 1977. Partial English translation by N. Cigar. Muhammad al-Qadiri's Nashr al-mathani: The Chronicles. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981.