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The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL) develops and operates high magnetic field facilities that scientists use for research in physics, biology, bioengineering, chemistry, geochemistry, biochemistry, materials science, and engineering. It is the only facility of its kind in the United States and one of only nine in the world. It is the largest and highest powered magnet laboratory.
[edit] History
The NHMFL is outfitted with the world's most comprehensive assortment of high-performing magnet systems. Many of the unique facilities were designed, developed, and built by the world's premier magnet engineering and design team of the NHMFL in collaboration with industry. Most facilities are located in an expansive purpose-built lab complex at Florida State University, though there are also elements of the NHMFL at the University of Florida and at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
In 1989 a proposal was submitted to the National Science Foundation by representatives of Florida State University, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the University of Florida for a new national user laboratory supporting research in high magnetic fields. The plan articulated a new vision for a magnet laboratory. Goals of this lab were to have a model federal-state partnership, serve magnet-related research in nearly all areas of science, promoting interdisciplinary research, support science and technology education, and to have a working partnership with industry to enhance the competitive position of the United States in areas of magnet-related research and development.
Following a peer-review competition, the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory was awarded to Florida State University on August 17, 1990. FSU had beat the renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology and its relationships with the University of Iowa, the University of Wisconsin, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and Argonne National Laboratory on the bid.
On September 5, 1990 MIT researchers asked the 21 members of the National Science Board to review and reconsider the NSB decision to award a new National High Magnetic Field Laboratory to Florida State University,[1]. That request was turned down September 18, 1990. [2]
The Tallahassee complex was dedicated on October 1, 1994 with over 1,000 dignitaries and visiting scientists in attendance. The special guest speaker for the event was Vice President Al Gore.
The laboratory's early years were spent establishing an essential infrastructure, building the largest and highest powered facility in the world, recruiting a world-class faculty, and demonstrating the laboratory's international leadership in magnet-related technologies and science. In 1999 nearly 25 percent of the users came from outside the United States.
[edit] Mission
The NHMFL develops and operates state-of-the-art high magnetic field facilities that faculty and visiting scientists and engineers use for research in physics, biology, bioengineering, chemistry, geochemistry, biochemistry, and materials science. The laboratory is sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the State of Florida and is the only facility of its kind in the United States. It is the largest and highest powered magnet laboratory in the world, outfitted with the world's most comprehensive assortment of and highest performing magnet systems. Many of the unique facilities were designed, developed, and built by the world's premier magnet engineering and design team of the NHMFL in collaboration with industry partners.
[edit] Education
NHMFL is committed to promoting science education and developing the next generation of science, engineering, and science education leaders. A variety of programs, opportunities, and mentorship experiences are available for teachers and students at all academic levels from kindergarten, high school and post-graduate. The laboratory, with its distinguished faculty and world-class facilities, provides a truly unique interdisciplinary learning environment.
[edit] Laboratory sites
[edit] Florida State University site
The Tallahassee laboratory at Florida State University is a 30,658 square meter (330,000 sq. ft.) complex and has approximately 300 faculty, staff, graduate, and postdoctoral students. The NHMFL is the only national laboratory in the State of Florida and one of nine high field laboratories in the world. This facility is the largest and highest powered laboratory of its kind in the world and produces the highest continuous magnetic fields.
The facility at FSU is powered by a 40 million watt (MW) power supply that is highly regulated and represents 10 percent of Tallahassee's total electrical generating capability. The complex has an extensive water-chilling plant that stores 1 million gallons of chilled water and is capable of producing 8,000 tons of ice per day. Four chilling towers are adjacent to the chilling plant.
[edit] Programs
[edit] The Continuous Field Facility
The purpose of the DC magnetic field facility is to provide to the user community with the strongest, quietest, steady and slowly varying magnetic fields in the world, coupled with state of the art instrumentation and experimental expertise.
[edit] Magnets
[edit] Resistive magnets
The below are designed for magneto-optics magnetization, specific heat, transport, high pressure, low to medium resolution NMR in highest fields, EMR, temperatures from 40 mK to 800 K, dependence of optical and transport properties on field orientation, etc.
- 45 T, 32 mm bore, 20 MW
- 33 T, 32 mm bore, 19 MW
- 33 T, 32 mm bore, 19 MW
- 35 T, 32 mm bore, 15 MW
- 25 T, 32 mm bore, 15 MW
- 25 T, 52 mm bore, 20 MW
- 31 T, 50 mm bore, 18 MW
Other resistive magnets
- 31 T, 32 mm bore, 18 MW, designed for field modulation.
- 31 T, 32 mm bore, 18 MW, designed for variable field gradient.
- 20 T, 125 mm bore, 20 MW, designed for variable field gradient.
[edit] Superconducting magnets
- SCM1: 18–20 tesla magnet, has a permanent top loading dilution refrigerator. Base temperature of 20 mK and 400 microwatts of cooling power at 100 mK. A 5 mm hole the length of the general purpose probe allows installation of optical fibers or special leads. Experiments that can be performed in this system are transport, magnetization, susceptibility, heat capacity, high pressure, surface conductivity, NMR, microwave studies and optics with fibers. A rotating and straight probe is available for experiments. Sample is immersed in dilute phase 25 mm sample space.
- SCM2: 18–20 tesla magnet, general purpose superconducting magnet with variable temperature insert (VTI) and a 3He insert. Operating temperature range for the VTI is 1.4 K to 300 K and from 250 mK to 70 K for the 3He insert. A rotating and straight probe available for experiments. The 3He sample is in liquid and the VTI sample is in vapor/liquid with a sample space of 34 mm.
[edit] The Condensed Matter Group
The Condensed Matter Group scientists concentrate on various aspects of condensed matter physics, including studies and experiments involving magnetism, the quantum hall effect, quantum oscillations, high temperature superconductivity, and heavy fermion systems.
[edit] Geochemistry program
Established in 1994 the geochemistry program at the NHMFL began hiring of personnel and the move of several of the faculty from the FSU Geological Sciences Department to the NHMFL. The program has four professors, a scholar scientist from the department of Geological Sciences, and one faculty member from Oceanography. Staff members in the geochemistry program also include an engineer, a chemist, a secretary, and approximately 10 graduate students.
[edit] Laboratories
- The Lamont Isolab, a mass spectrometer with secondary ionization capability.
- Finnigan 262 lab has a fully automated 9 collector Finnigan 262 mass spectrometer equipped with a RPQ-system.
- Finnigan ELEMENT lab has a sector ICP-MS Finnigan ELEMENT for elemental analyses.
- Finnigan Delta XP lab has a Finnigan Delta XP mass spectrometer.
- Clean lab of 800 square feet (75 m²) for the separation of elements out of natural samples.
The geochemistry research program is centered around the use of trace elements and isotopes to understand the Earth processes and environment. The research interests range from the chemical evolution of Earth and solar system through time to local scale problems on the sources and transport of environmentally significant substances. The studies conducted by the geochemistry division concern terrestrial and extraterrestrial questions and involve land-based and sea-going expeditions and spacecraft missions. Together with FSU's Chemistry and Oceanography departments, Geochemisdtry has started a program in Biogeochemical Dynamics.
The Geochemistry facilities are also used by faculty and students from other divisions at the NHMFL, the FSU departments of Geological Sciences, Oceanography, and Chemistry & Biochemistry as well as other universities.
[edit] Center for Interdisciplinary Magnetic Resonance
The CIMR is a large-scale integration of nuclear magnetic resonance, magnetic resonance imaging, electromagnetic radiation, and ion cyclotron resonance spectroscopy fields which share pulse sequences, heterodyning, quadrature excitation/detection, double resonance, two-dimensional FT methods and technical (magnets, RF electronics, Fourier transform data reduction, etc.) aspects. Continued cross-fertilization between these disciplines is facilitated here. The facilities are used in developing a high-frequency continuous-wave EPR instrument based on a quasioptical microwave design. EPR spectroscopy can be performed at frequencies between 100 GHz up to 600 GHz.
[edit] NMR Spectroscopy and Imaging Program
The NMR Spectroscopy and Imaging Program serves a broad user base in solution and solid state NMR spectroscopy and MRI and diffusion measurements at the highest possible magnetic field strengths. The lab develops technology, methodology, and applications at high magnetic fields through both in-house and external user activities. It has experienced research faculty, engineers, and technicians spanning these disciplines who are available to facilitate user activities on a wide range of unique equipment and to develop novel experiments and new instrumentation. The faculty also participate in efforts to achieve funding for major efforts including grant writing endeavors.
[edit] Large Magnet Component Test Laboratory
The Large Magnet Component Test Laboratory was established partly to fufill requirements of the Magnet Science and Technology Group, but primarily to respond to magnet technology developent need from the commercial sector and government. The LMCTL also has ample cryogenics capabilities. Liquid helium is available from three refrigerator/liquefiers: (2) PSI model 1630s capable of 70 L/h or 200 W, and (1) PSI model 1410 capable of 25 L/h or 75 W. Cryogenic mechanical test apparatus is also available.
[edit] Magnets
- CWTX magnet, 8 teslas, 380 mm cold bore.
- U.S. Navy SMES CTA magnet, 4 teslas, part of a 50 megajoule SMES system.
- TACL magnet, 7 teslas, 40 mm cold bore, used for testing AC losses of large conductor samples in linearly ramped fields.
[edit] Materials Development and Characterization Group
The MDCG is used for investigating the physical and mechanical properties of materials used in various magnet designs. The MDCG generates engineering design data and conducts basic applied research to improve the materials for high field magnets.
[edit] Laboratories
- Materials Characterization Laboratory tests tension, compression, fatigue tests, fracture toughness, fatigue crack growth, Charpy impact tests, elastic properties, Young’s modulus, Poisson ratio, electrical resistivity, thermal expansion/contraction tests, component tests on coils, composites, mechanisms, etc., and critical superconductor properties, Ic, Tc, and Jc vs. strain.
- Microanalysis Facility provide services for the development of magnet technology, conducts fundamental and applied research in materials development, and promote education in the frontiers of materials science, and train interested researchers, including students to use the facilities and instrumentation. The lab also has a JEOL 2010 transmission/scanning electron microscope, JEOL 100C transmission electron microscope, Electroscan environmental scanning electron microscope, JEOL 840 scanning electron microscope, Leica optical microscope, fully equipped sample preparation lab, and software for image acquisition and analysis, and crystallography simulations.
[edit] Los Alamos National Laboratory site
Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico hosts the NHMFL Pulsed Field Facility which provides researchers with experimental capabilities for a wide range of measurements in non-destructive pulsed fields to 60 teslas. A 100 T multi-shot magnet is being jointly constructed by the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation. The laboratory is located at the center of Los Alamos. In 1999-2000, the facility was relocated into a new specially-designed Experimental Hall to better accommodate user operations and support. The Pulsed Field Laboratory is an integral component of the NHMFL and it continues to be the first and only high pulsed field user facility in the United States. The laboratory is dedicated to driving pulsed magnetic field technology and instrumentation and to make research using pulsed magnetic fields available to scientists from the United States and around the world.
Power comes from a pulsed power infrastructure which includes a 1.43 gigawatt motor generator and five 64 megawatt power supplies. The 1200-ton motor generator sits on a 4800-short ton (4350 t) inertia block which rests on 60 springs to minimize earth tremors is the centerpiece of the Pulsed Field Laboratory. The pulsed power cost $30 million.
[edit] Programs
[edit] The NHMFL Pulsed Field Facility
The NHMFL Pulsed Field Facility at Los Alamos provides a wide variety of experimental capabilities to 60 teslas, utilizing short and long pulse magnets. The facility is supported by a 1.4 GV·A motor generator capable of delivering a 600 MJ energy pulse. Access to the facilities is through a proposal review process, and there is typically no charge for use of the facilities, except in the case of proprietary research for which cost recovery would be required.
The purpose of the Pulsed Field Facility is to drive pulsed magnetic field technology and instrumentation to make research using pulsed magnetic field available to scientist from the United States and around the world.
[edit] The Condensed Matter Group
The Condensed Matter Group scientists at Los Alamos concentrate on various aspects of condensed matter physics, including studies and experiments involving magnetism, the quantum hall effect, quantum oscillations, high temperature superconductivity, and heavy fermion systems.
[edit] Magnets
- 60 tesla long-pulse magnet—the most powerful controlled-pulse magnet in the world.
- 100-tesla magnet
[edit] University of Florida site
The University of Florida is home to user facilities in magnetic resonance imaging or (MRI) with an ultra-low temperature, ultra-quiet environment for experimental studies in the High B/T (high magnetic field/low temperature) Facility. Facilities are also available for the fabrication and characterization of nanostructures at a new Nanofabrication Facility being operated in conjunction with the university's Major Analytical and Instrumentation Center.
[edit] Magnets
- 750 MHz wide bore NMR/MRI magnet system is capable of taking very high quality 3D images.
[edit] Programs
[edit] The Condensed Matter Group
The Condensed Matter Group scientists at Gainesville concentrate on various aspects of condensed matter physics, including studies and experiments involving magnetism, the quantum hall effect, quantum oscillations, high temperature superconductivity, and heavy fermion systems.
[edit] NHMFL High B/T Facility
The B/T Facility is operated as part of the Microkelvin Laboratory of the Physics Department. The facility is designed to meet the needs of NHMFL users who wish to conduct experiments in high magnetic fields up to 15.2 Teslas and at temperatures as low as 0.4 mK simultaneously. Faculty members in the facility work with users in the design of experiments where needed. Instrumentation is available for studies of magnetization, thermodynamic quantities, transport measurements, magnetic resonance, viscosity, diffusion, and pressure.