Nick Knight (professor)
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Nicholas Knight is Professor in the Department of International Business and Asian Studies, Faculty of Commerce and Management, at Griffith University. Knight obtained a Master of Science (in Chinese Politics) and Doctor of Philosophy (1983) from the School of Oriental and African Studies, at the University of London. [1]
Professor Knight's areas of teaching and research include: Political science; Marxism in Asia; Problems and methods in research; Approaches to modern Asian politics; Politics and ideology in the People's Republic of China; International relations; and Approaches to Asia's history. [2]
Some of Professor Knight's recent research grants include:
- 2001. ‘Rethinking Mao: Explorations in Mao Zedong’s Life and Thought’. Small ARC $17,500.
- 2002. ‘Globalisation and China: policies, Perspectives, Practices’ (with Colin Mackerras and Mary Farquhar). GURD grant. $14,500.
- 2004-2006. ‘Imagining globalisation: The world and nation in Chinese Communist Ideology’. ARC Discovery Grant. $120,000. [3]
Professor Knight has published many articles, book chapters, and books.
[edit] Bibliography
Knight, Nick (2000). Thinking about Asia: An Australian Introduction to East and Southeast Asia (Adelaide: Crawford House Publishing), 333 pp.
Knight, Nick (2004). Understanding Australia's Neighbours: An Introduction to East and Southeast Asia, Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521549417