Nielsen Media Research
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Nielsen Media Research (NMR) is an American firm, headquartered in New York City, and operating primarily from Oldsmar, Florida, which measures media audiences, including television, radio and newspapers. NMR is best-known for the Nielsen Ratings, a measurement of television viewership.
Nielsen Media Research began as a division of ACNielsen, a marketing research firm. In 1996, Nielsen Media Research was split off into an independent company, and in 1999, was purchased by the Dutch conglomerate VNU. In 2001, VNU also purchased ACNielsen, thereby bringing both companies under the same corporate umbrella.
The Nielsen TV Ratings have been produced since the 1950s and statistically measure what programs are watched by different segments of the population. The most well known portion is the "diary". During the 4 sweeps months, February, May, July, November, Nielsen interviewers ask homes to participate in filling out a diary of the programs watched in their home for a one week period. The interviewers are in Dunedin, Florida and Radcliff, Kentucky. Nielsen has other ways of measuring American TV viewing other than just the diaries. Recently, Nielsen announced the launch of its A2M2 project that would measure television viewing in and out of the home.
Nielsen Media Research is a sister company to Nielsen//NetRatings, which measures Internet and digital media audiences through a telephone and internet survey, and Nielsen BuzzMetrics, which measures Consumer-Generated Media.
Nielsen also conducts market research for the film industry through National Research Group (NRG). [1]
[edit] See also
- AGB Nielsen Media Research
- Media market