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OldAl is my nick on most wikis and other public servers. My interests are described in my home page: My email address is "a little twisted" in order to reduce the flow of spam. I have lived for well over half a century in Australia, a good portion of the history of Australia after white settlement. I am a native of Lithuania. I love Australia. And I love my native country. Luckily there are no problems about that as there has never been any violent conflict between the two, nor is there any likelihood of it in the future.
When not learning, most of my life was spent teaching at the tertiary level in Australia. I hold two diplomas in Civil Engineering from the RMTC in Melbourne, and MEngSc and PHD degrees from the UNSW in Sydney. I spent some 25 years lecturing in UNSW, where for a few years I headed the Department of Structural Engineering. I retired from the Faculty of Civil Engineering (and the UNSW) on 20 Feb 1985, exactly after 25 years of service. At the time of writing, that was 20 years ago.
Life did not end with the retirement. Like most "retired" academics, I have been busy - too busy to write memoirs, which, some say, is a pity.
Thanks for reading it, Al (Algimantas) Kabaila.