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OpenHistory is a website dedicated to providing an open, free encyclopedia and text of Japanese history created and maintained by Chris Spackman. The About page of the website says (Wikipedia links added):
I (Chris Spackman) studied Asian History at the University of Hawaii after getting a B.A. in History from Loyola in New Orleans. I came to Japan on the JET Program in July 1995 and was soon looking around for a way to continue my studies while living in the country. Somewhere along the line I got the idea of starting an online encyclopedia of historical information--partly to learn html and partly as a way of furthering my studies.
I would like OpenHistory to eventually include historical documents (like the US Constitution), books, book reviews, encyclopedias, bibliographies, and everything else that people need in order to do history. (Getting all possible primary documents online may pose a bit of a problem.)
The contents are available under GNU Free Documentation License and some articles and pictures have been incorporated into Wikipedia.
Pictures taken by Spackman [1] are licensed GFDL as well with the following notice:
Legal type language and disclaimer
All the pictures in these directories are copyright 2000-2002 Chris Spackman
I must apologise for not making the status of these pictues clearer, sooner. As of 24 September 2002, all the photos at this site are made available under the GNU Free Documentation License. The license is available at this site or directly from the Free Software Foundation. For the purposes of the gnu fdl, each individual picture may be considered one complete work. ...