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The palatoglossal arch (glossopalatine arch, anterior pillar of fauces) on either side runs downward, lateralward, and forward to the side of the base of the tongue, and is formed by the projection of the Glossopalatinus with its covering mucous membrane.
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This article was originally based on an entry from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy. As such, some of the information contained herein may be outdated. Please edit the article if this is the case, and feel free to remove this notice when it is no longer relevant.
General anatomy of head and neck |
HEAD: Face/Occiput: Forehead – Eye – Ear – Temple - Cheek – Chin
External nose: Nostril - Nasal septum - Cartilages (Accessory nasal, of the septum, Greater alar, Lateral nasal, Lesser alar, Vomeronasal) - Olfactory glands
Nasal cavity: Choana - Turbinate - Sphenoethmoidal recess - Ethmoid bulla - Hiatus semilunaris - Ostium maxillare - Inferior meatus - Vomeronasal organ - Paranasal sinus
Mouth/oral cavity: Lip - Philtrum - Jaw - Pterygomandibular raphe
Teeth: Permanent (Incisor - Canine, Premolar, Molar) - Deciduous
Tongue: Plica fimbriata - Median sulcus - Foramen cecum - Terminal sulcus - Frenulum linguae - Anterior tongue - Posterior tongue
Palate/roof of mouth: Hard palate, Soft palate - Palatine raphe - Incisive papilla - Uvula - Pharyngeal recess - Arches: (Palatoglossal, Palatopharyngeal)
Salivary glands: (Parotid - Sublingual - Submandibular) - Ducts: Submandibular - Parotid
Masseteric fascia - Temporal fascia - Galea aponeurotica - Scalp
NECK: Throat – Pharynx - Larynx
Cartilages: Cricoid - Thyroid (Adam's apple) - Epiglottis - Arytenoid - Cuneiform - Corniculate
Extrinsic ligaments: Thyrohyoid membrane (Lateral thyrohyoid ligament, Median thyrohyoid ligament) - Hyoepiglottic ligament - Cricotracheal ligament Intrinsic ligaments: Cricothyroid ligament
Folds: (Glossoepiglottic - Aryepiglottic - Vocal - Vestibular) - Vocal ligament - Ventricle of the larynx - Infraglottic cavity - Vestibule of larynx - Rima glottidis - Glottis
Triangles of the neck: Anterior of the neck (Muscular, Carotid, Submandibular, Submental) - Posterior of the neck (Occipital, Subclavian) - Suboccipital
Deep cervical fascia (Pretrachial fascia, Prevertebral fascia, Investing layer) - Carotid sheath
Retropharyngeal space