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Hi, my name is Nate, I'm 21 and currently live in North Carolina, U.S. I'm from Sandusky, Ohio originally, home of Cedar Point. I work as an intelligence analyst for the U.S. Army. I've been in the Army for almost 3 years now, and I've already spent one year in the desert, and will go back within a year. My service in the military notwithstanding, I don't support the war in Iraq, and the extra 20,000 they plan on sending is, IMHO, a pointless drop in the bucket that will only result in more deaths. Civil conflict cannot be stopped by a third party oft viewed as an occupier. Moreover, anti-terrorism isn't the military's job, it's a police function. My interests include history and other social sciences, military history and geography in particular.
If you're curious as to the origin of my username, in my 8th grade English class (lo so many years ago), my teacher gave us a test, and reminded us to put our names on the top, and that if we did not know our names, to ask him what to put. I, being the smart-ass that I am, of course raised my hand and told him I didn't know my name. He replied "put down 'parsec boy'", which I did. I liked it, and have used it for various usernames since then.