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On your right, you'll notice the Babel template. Just to clarify:
English: Read, write, speak, listen (native)
Malayalam: Speak, listen (native)
Malay: Read, write, speak, listen (national language)
Japanese: Speak, listen (UBER basic)
Mandrin: Speak, listen (VERY basic)
Pig Latin: Iay amyay ingtryay otay eakspay inyay Igpay Atinlay, utbay itsyay eingbay anyay upyay illhay asktay
[edit] Top Picks
These are some of the articles here in Wikipedia that I really like:
[edit] Articles I've created
[edit] Articles that I've completely rewritten
This section provides links to articles that I've rewritten over 80%. Bear in mind that the article might have changed significantly since I last edited it.
[edit] Projects, Userboxes & Templates
This user absolutely loves Japan. |