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Pedipalper, A skin devouring spider found in the southern areas of the Swiss Alps.
[edit] History of the Pedipalper
Originally discovered in 1955 by Yuri Gagarin*, the spider was named "Pedipalpulus Pincertus" after its avid flesh eating habits. The Pedipalper was first observed consuming human flesh when one of Yuri's tent mates was awoken by the spider. The lone spider had consumed over 12% of the mans skin.
[edit] Sources
- Savory, T. 1977. Arachnida. 2nd edition. U.S. Edition published by Academic Press INC. LTD.340 Pp.
- Snodgrass, R.E. 1971. A Textbook Arthropod Anatomy. Published by Hafner Publishing Company, INC. 363 Pp.
- Torre-Bueno, J.R. 1989. The Torre-Bueno Glossary of Entomology/ compiled by Stephen W. Nichols; including Supplement A by George S. Tulloch. Published by The New York Entomological Society in cooperation with the American Museum of Natural History. 840 Pp.
- Discovery Books; 2000; Insects and Spiders; St. Remy Media Inc.; New York; 35
[edit] External links
- Close-up view of sperm-laden pedipalps in a mature tarantula Several ad popups warning!
- Several close-up photos of a tarantula creating a sperm web - Brachypelma Vagans (Mexican Red-rump)