Play (activity)
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Play is amusing interaction with people, animals, or toys, often in the context of learning or recreation.
Some play has clearly defined goals and is called a game, some play has no such goal and is unrestrained.
As a theoretical concept, play is notoriously difficult to tightly define. Rather than having a single meaning, play is best seen as descriptive of a range of activities that can be ascribed to humans and non-humans. Unspecialized people use the word "play" as a contrast to other parts of their lives: sleep, eating, washing, work, rituals, etc. Different types of specialists may also use the word "play" in different ways. For example, "Play therapists" use the term in connection to individuals who cannot benefit from more formal work-type therapies.
Sociologist David Reisman has come to the conclusion that play is a quality (opposed to an activity) that we can only vaguely describe. Mark Twain commented that play and work are words used to describe the same activity under different circumstances. This viewpoint is reflected in the work of anthropologists who attempt to distinguish "play" and "nonplay" in different cultures.
Attempts have been made to identify the qualities of play, but this task is not without its ambiguities. For example, play is defined as nonserious activity; yet when watching children at play, one is impressed at the seriousness with which they engage in it. Other criteria of play include a relaxed pace and freedom versus compulsion. Yet play seems to have its intrinsic constraints as in, "You're not playing fair."
When play is structured and goal orientated it is often done as a game. Play can also be seen as the activity of rehearsing life events e.g. young animals play fighting. These and other concepts or rhetorics of play are discussed at length by Brian Sutton-Smith in the book The Ambiguity of Play. Sometimes play is dangerous, such as in extreme sports. This type of play could be considered stunt play, whether engaging in play frighting, sky-diving, or riding a device at high speed in an unusual manner.
The seminal text in play studies is Homo Ludens by Johan Huizinga. This work popularised the notion of the Magic Circle as a conceptual space in which play occurs. That is, the state in which the various actions in play have meaning e.g. kicking (and only kicking) a ball in one direction or another, using physical force to impede another player (in a way which might be illegal outside the context of the game).
Another classic in play theory is Man, Play and Games by Roger Caillois. This work extends and in large parts disputes the theories put forward by Huizinga.
A notable contemporary play theorist is Jesper Juul who works on both pure play theory and the application of this theory to Computer game studies. The theory of play and its relationship with rules and game design is also extensively discussed by Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman in their book: Rules of Play : Game Design Fundamentals.
In computer games the word gameplay is often used to describe the concept of play.
[edit] Childhood and play
Play has been long recognised as a critical aspect of Child development and is explicitly recognised in Article 31 of The Convention on the Rights of the Child (adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations, November 29, 1989). which states:
- Parties recognise the right of the child to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts.
- Parties shall respect and promote the right of the child to participate fully in cultural and artistic life and shall encourage the provision of appropriate and equal opportunities for cultural, artistic, recreational and leisure activities.
In addition, many of the most prominent researchers in the field of psychology (Piaget, James, Freud, Jung, Vygotsky, etc.) have viewed play as critical trait to the human species.
Childhood 'play' is also seen by Sally Jenkinson (author of The Genius of Play) to be an intimate and integral part of childhood development. "In giving primacy to adult knowledge, to our 'grown-up' ways of seeing the world, have we forgotten how to value other kinds of wisdom? Do we still care about the small secret corners of children's wisdom?" (source:The Genius of Play)
Modern research in the field of 'affective neuroscience' has uncovered important links between play and neurogenesis in the brain.(Panksepp, Affective Neuroscience 98)
In addition evolutionary psychologists have begun to expound the phylogenetic relationship between higher intelligence in humans and its relationship to play.
Perhaps the most progressive research on play has come from Stuart Brown,MD and the National Institute for Play.
[edit] Animals
Play is an important part of learning in animals, such as mammals.[1] Infants experiment with adult behaviors including fighting to learn how to survive. Predators such as lions and bears play by chasing, pouncing, pawing, wrestling, and biting, as they learn to stalk and kill prey. Prey animals such as deer and zebras play by running and leaping as they acquire speed and agility. Hoofed mammals also practise kicking their hind legs to learn warding off attacks. While mimicking adult behaviour, attacking actions such as kicking and biting are not completely fulfilled so that they won't injure each other. In social animals, playing also helps to establish dominance rankings among the young to avoid conflicts as adults.
[edit] External References
- The Genius of Play - Jenkinson, Sally, Hawthorn Press 2001