Player's Handbook II
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Player's Handbook II is a handbook or rules and guidelines for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game. As its name implies, it is a supplement to the Player's Handbook. It introduces supplemental rules, new spells and new classes.
Chapter two introduces four new base classes:
- Beguiler - A rogue-like spell-caster who specializes in illusions and enchantments.
- Dragon Shaman - A relatively well-rounded character who gains spell-like abilities similar to a dragon.
- Duskblade - An elven-based hybrid of the fighter and wizard, although it is available to any race.
- Knight - Lawful fighters who use bard-like charisma to draw threatening opponents away from party members and onto himself, like the tank in many MMORPGs
In addition to these new classes, many rules are included for existing character classes. These include expanded rules and options for many classes, new feats, more spells, and different roleplaying options for characters. Other sections contain information about the adventuring group, teamwork benefits, and affiliations. Finally, the last chapter contains information about modifying an existing character.
The book is criticized in some quarters for seeming to make D&D more like an MMORPG, particularly with the addition of a clear and obvious "tank" class. The book is also highly praised by others for giving many new options and feats to high level Fighters.