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[edit] Choice of username
Thomas Kuhn divides sciences into two categories: paradigmatic and pre-paradigmatic. His definition of a paradigm, which hinges on this dichotomy and on the mechanisms by which new dominant paradigms emerge, has become influential in discourse on the philosophy of science.
The user, Polyparadigm, studied Kuhn as part of an undergraduate degree in materials science, a science which could reasonably be classified as polyparadigmatic because of its heavy reliance on earlier paradigms (i.e. chemistry, physics, metallurgy, and the various disciplines of engineering) and the willingness of experts in the field to switch deftly between competing paradigms, or to work outside them where appropriate.
The user name was chosen to promote this view of materials science, and to show support for the correspondence principle as a framework for deeper and more general conflict resolution.
[edit] Some of the pages I have started
- Science/engineering:
- Aggregate (composite)
- Barrier metal
- Beam dump
- Bain, Edgar
- Chlorosilane
- Cotter pin
- Cryogenic hardening
- Dart (missile)
- Deep-level trap
- Diamond cubic (though much of this content was gleaned from other articles)
- Dimethyl terephthalate (a precursor of polyethylene terephthalate)
- Dynel
- Ferrocerium aka lighter flint aka Auermetall (previously conflated with flint!)
- Glass microsphere with redirects from Syntactic foam, etc.
- Grind (an article on the design of cutting edges, not to be confused with grinding)
- Lamellar structure
- Nucleation
- Plastic recycling
- Polyketone
- Peritectic & Eutectoid
- Precipitation hardening
- Reinforced carbon carbon with redirect from RCC etc.
- Simplesse
- Shock hardening, with explosive forging and laser shock
- Shot peening
- Supercritical drying
- Titanium nitride
- Thermal shock
- Twin boundary
- Van der Waals bond
- Work hardening & subset shot peening
- Write Once Read Many
- Other:
- Carol of the Bells
- The Word for World is Forest
- Minor characters in the Baroque Cycle, including Moseh de la Cruz & Jeronimo
- Privatio boni
- Walter Wink (previous stub was copyrighted material)
- Myth of redemptive violence
- List of escort aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy
- Hearst Memorial Mining Building
- Flexi disc
- Pastry bag
- & :*David Cerný
- Jacob's ladder (toy)
[edit] Some of the pages I have made major contributions to
[edit] To do
- honeycomb composite, honeycomb laminate, sandwich (composite) etc.: User:Polyparadigm/honeycomb
- Polyurethane edits rudely suggested in talk
- heat treatment rational rewrite: User:Polyparadigm/heat treatment
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