Pooka (World of Darkness)
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In the World of Darkness role-playing game Changeling: The Dreaming by White Wolf, Inc. the Pooka is a trickster changeling, a fey creature trapped within the body of a human being. Like each of the other kiths, Pookas have special advantages and disadvantages. Its advantage is its ability to turn into a specific animal when no one is watching, and its disadvantage is its inability to make any true statement without first expending great amounts of willpower. Because they are tricksters by nature, and can't tell the truth, they are generally thought of as being immature and untrustworthy. Their trickster nature is actually only a demeanor, as deep inside, they are capable of great sadness and empathy, which they try to assuage by telling jokes and playing pranks.
In spite of its nature, which forces it to constantly avoid telling the truth, a pooka rarely needs to lie outright; when challenged with an inquiry, it may just as well elude the line of questions or retort with questions of its own. So long as a statement is only partially true, a pooka may still express it - "I'll see you for lunch tomorrow" is something a pooka would state after it had just made plans for the following day's dinner date.
Pookas originally appear in Celtic mythology where they usually take the form of an alternately friendly and playful or extremely dangerous horse. If one is foolish enough to mount the Pooka in its form of a horse, they will be taken on a swift and dangerous ride which generally ends with them being dumped unceremoniously in a swamp, if you are lucky.
The most famous Pooka in fiction is Harvey.