Pornographic magazine
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Pornographic magazines, sometimes known as adult magazines, sex magazines, top-shelf magazines, blue book, or pornoblads are magazines that contain content of a sexual nature, typically regarded as pornography. Such publications provide photographs or other illustrations of nudity and sexual activities, including oral sex, sexual intercourse, anal sex, and other various forms of such activities. Most often, these magazines contain photographs of attractive women and/or men. These magazines primarily serve to stimulate sexual thoughts and emotions. Some magazines are very general in their variety of illustrations, while others may be more specific and focus on particular activities, fetishes, or parts of the anatomy. Adult magazines are mainly aimed towards men, as males populate the vast majority of the market. boobs.
Well-known adult magazines include Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler.
Porn mags also carry articles of serious nature. Topics range from science, computers, culture, and politics. It's a real take on the saying, for example, "I read Playboy for the articles."
[edit] History
Pornographic comic books known as Tijuana bibles began appearing in the U.S. in the 1920s.
In the second half of the 20th century, pornography in the United States evolved from the so-called "men's magazines" such as Playboy and Modern Man of the 1950s. These magazines featured nude or semi-nude women, sometimes apparently engaging in the act of masturbation, although their genitals or pubic hair were not actually displayed.
While Playboy remained "softcore", new publications such as Penthouse, began to evolve into more explicit displays (hardcore), eventually, by the 1990s, featuring sexual penetration, lesbianism and homosexuality, group sex, and fetishes.