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[edit] Criticism of the New Historians section removed
Hi, All of the links that are posted are critiques of new historians. I have put up links that explain post-zionism, not just from the academia stand-point but from those who suffer under zionism (including Jews of Mizrahi and Sephardic descent) and they are continously removed. I am in support of freedom of speech and am agree that critiques should be posted but what do I do when some right winger with too much time on his/her hands continues to remove links that explain post-zionism? Shame. Discussion is a two way street.
Why was the section mentioning criticism of the New Historians removed? Has it been moved somewhere? Jayjg (talk) 22:38, 13 Mar 2005 (UTC)
It's been replaced with a link within the article to New Historians where the exact same point is made as the one removed. AndyL 23:06, 13 Mar 2005 (UTC)
Hi, I wonder why anti-Zionists Jews are not mentioned in the text. They do exist, now, in and outside Israel. They are divided into 2 groups, the Ashcenazi and the Arab-Jews. Ya, same old well known story - if you are a Jew, you can neither oppose Zionism, nor be an Arab at the same time. Thanks a lot Wikipedia!
Hi, does anyone have any citations for the list of post-Zionists given at the bottom of the page? Ilan Pappe, for example: is he really post-Zionist as opposed to anti-Zionist?...
An article about post-Zionism has to reference Laurence Silberstein who wrote, I believe, the book that coined the term or at least created the movement. "The Post-Zionism Debates" 1999. Benny Morris is listed as a "Post Zionist" but Morris and many of the others so listed deny that they are post-anything. This is also true of Ilan Pappe and just about all the other so called post Zionists. See my comments on Silberstein's article & an article in Haaretz linked from those comments - aka Mewnews, not logged in 01:26, 11 January 2007 (UTC)