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It's generally known that Wikipedia Administratorship is a lifetime appointment. Actually, there are rare circumstances when Admins may be be impeached -- six, to be precise. An admin is subject to removal if s/he:
- Attacks the building housing the servers with rocket or mortar fire. Note: must be 40mm or more.
- Gets stinking drunk at Wikimania and suggests a "quick threesome" to any two members of the Foundation.
- Is exposed as an agent of B.R.I.T.T.A.N.I.C.A. (but only if in the 00 category).
- Builds a rocket ship out of Q-Tips, goes to Jupiter, recruits an army of Jovians, and uses their telepathic powers to influence the outcome of policy discussions.
- Climbs the Reichstag dressed as Spiderman.
- bites the developers.
If an admin goes against the Mother Brain in any other way, they are not de-admined, but simply reset like in Stargate Atlantis's Episode Progeny.
However, assuming good behavior -- that is, none of the above -- an admin may assume that his adminship expires only when he does.
What is less well known, however, is that your adminship may be passed on to your immediate heir, typically your oldest child. If you die without issue, the usual rules of primogeniture apply, and in this case the adminship goes to the first person to hack the account.
Inheriting admins style themselves with first name, number in line of succession, and admin line name (name of the originating admin). Thus, for example: Argleb, Third Admin of Herostratus, and so forth.
In the event of a disputed succession, the contesting parties are advised to cross the Channel and raise an army of horsemen.