Project Galileo
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Project Galileo is an educational astronomy project, based at Clifton College in Bristol, in the United Kingdom.
Project Galileo aims to provide a curriculum resource for Science and Technology at Key Stages 3 & 4 and AS/A2 levels, ICT courses at post-16 level, to inspire teenagers to" learn the art as well as science of research and research teams, how scientific research is practiced, how physical ideas become mainstream, how collaboration between scientific disciplines fosters greater understanding, and to encourage links and collaboration between schools of different age-ranges and traditions in the city of Bristol." (Project FAQ)
The project focuses on the issues surrounding the maintenance and successful operation of a remote-controlled observatory. It is built around a remote-controlled telescope with a 1.3 metre dome and CCD camera located in Bristol, which enables imaging and searches of comets, asteroids, supernovae, deep-sky and planetary objects.
Project Galileo was started in December 2000, has been functioning since 2006, and is expected to have full on-line capability by the autumn of 2008.
[edit] References
- Physics Education (January2003) (Institute of Physics, UK. )
- Models, Kits, and Astronomy Projects ] (Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council, UK. )