Public value
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Public value is the equivalent of shareholder value in public management. Public value can be instituted as an organising principle in a public sector organisation, providing a focus in the context of which individual employees are free to pursue and propose new ideas about how to improve the working of the organisation, in terms of efficiency or services. Public organisations seeking to use public value as a principle need to create a corporate culture in which the pursuit of public value by employees is rewarded just as pursuing shareholder value is rewarded in private corporations.
The term and concept were invented by Harvard professor Mark H. Moore, who published a book on the subject, Creating Public Value Strategic Management in Government, in 1995. Since then the concept has been taken up initially by academics, think tanks and NGOs, and later by a number of public sector organisations in the United Kingdom. In 2004 it was used by the BBC as the cornerstone of its manifesto for the renewal of its charter. In 2006 Accenture launched the Institute for Public Service Value, to explore how public value is created in government organizations.
[edit] References
Mark H. Moore (1995), Creating Public Value Strategic Management in Government, Harvard University Press [1]
Martin Cole and Greg Parston (2006), Unlocking Public Value, John Wiley & Sons. Inc. [2]
[edit] External links
- Accenture Institute for Public Service Value
- Kate Oakley, Richard Naylor and David Lee (2006)"Giving them what they want: the construction of the public in 'public value'", paper presented at "Media and Social Change" conference organised by the ESRC Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change, September 2006.
- The Work Foundation, November (2006), Horner, L. Lekhi, R and Blaug, R. (2006) Deliberative Democracy and the role of public managers [[3]
- James Crabtree, New Statesman, 27 September 2004, "The revolution that started in a library"
- BBC, June 2004, Building Public Value - BBC report on renewal of its charter
- Barry Bozeman (2002), "Public-Value Failure: When Efficient Markets May Not Do", Public Administration Review 62(2), March/April 2002
- Mark Moore's Harvard profile
DEMOS - The Public Value of Science (2005) [4] DEMOS - Capturing Cultural Value (2005) [5] Prime Minister's Strategy Unit (2002) - Creating Public Value [6]