Questions on Doctrine
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Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine (often abbreviated "Questions on Doctrine", or "QOD") is a book originally published by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 1957 to help reconcile Adventists and conservative Protestants. The book generated greater acceptance of the Adventist church within the evangelical community, where it had previously been widely regarded as a cult. However, it also proved to be one of the most controversial publications in Adventist history[1] — the release of the book brought prolonged alienation and separation both within Adventism and evangelicalism.
Although no authors are listed on the title of the book (credit is given to "a representative group" of Adventist "leaders, Bible teachers and editors"), the primary contributors to the book were Le Roy Edwin Froom, Walter E. Read, and Roy Allan Anderson (sometimes referred to as "FREDA").
The original 1957 edition of Questions on Doctrine can be read online at SDAnet.
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[edit] History
The publication of Questions on Doctrine grew out of a series of conferences between a few Adventist spokepersons and Protestant representatives from 1955 to 1956. The roots of this conference originated in a series of dialogues between Pennsylvania conference president, T. E. Unruh, and evangelical magazine editor Donald Grey Barnhouse. Unruh was particularly concerned because of a scathing review written by Barnhouse about Ellen White's book, Steps to Christ. In the spring of 1955 Barnhouse commissioned Walter Martin to write a book about Seventh-day Adventists. Martin requested a meeting with Adventist leaders so that he could question them about their beliefs.
The first meeting between Martin and Adventist leaders occurred in March 1955. Martin was accompanied by George Cannon and met with Adventist representatives Le Roy Edwin Froom and W. E. Read. Later Roy Allan Anderson and Barnhouse joined these discussions. Initially both sides viewed each other with suspicion as they worked through a list of 40 questions. Central to these concerns were four alleged items of Adventist theology: (1) the atonement was not completed at the cross; (2) salvation is the result of grace plus the works of the law; (3) Jesus was a created being, not from all eternity; and (4) that Jesus partook of man's sinful, fallen nature at the incarnation.
The most problematic topic was the Adventist understanding of the human nature of Christ. Earlier William H. Branson, Adventist General Conference president, had written that Christ "took upon Himself sinful flesh."[citation needed] (By 1953 the statement had been omitted from his book.) Most Adventists prior to 1950 agreed with this statement.[citation needed] Froom appears to have misled evangelical leaders because he gave the impression to Martin that Adventists had always believed in the sinless human nature of Christ. Despite this shortfall, what was clear to Froom and others was that they needed to articulate Adventist beliefs in language that evangelicals could understand.
By the summer of 1956 the small group of evangelicals became convinced that Seventh-day Adventists were sufficiently orthodox to be considered Christian. Barnhouse published his conclusions in the September 1956 issue of Eternity magazine in the article, "Are Seventh-day Adventists Christians?"
[edit] Conflict within Adventism
In Barnhouse's article it was stated that most Adventists believed in the sinless human nature of Christ and those who did not were part of the "lunatic fringe." M. L. Andreasen, a conservative Adventist theologian, took exception to this statement.
Further hostilities broke out between Andreasen and Froom in February 1957 after Froom published an article on the atonement in Ministry magazine. In this article Froom argued that the atonement was a "full and complete sacrifice."[citation needed] He furthermore asserted that "the sacrificial act on the cross [is] a complete, perfect, and final atonement for man's sins."[citation needed] Froom's articulation of the atonement was in stark contrast to Andreasen's beliefs. Andreasen articulated a three-phase understanding of the atonement. In the first phase Christ lived a perfect life despite having a fallen nature. During the second phase the death of Christ on the cross occurred. And finally, during the third phase (the focal point of his theology), Christ demonstrates that man can do what He did. Satan was not defeated at the cross but would be defeated by the "last generation" in its demonstration that an entire generation of people could live a sinlessly perfect life.[2]
Questions on Doctrine inflamed the tensions over these issues because it defined the death of Jesus as a complete work of atonement and asserted that Jesus possessed a sinless human nature. It thus reflected Froom's theology while contradicting Andreasen's.
As a consequence, Andreasen embarked on a campaign against QOD. He published a series of responses to Froom in 9 papers written in 1957/1958 and in a series of booklets entitled Letters to the Churches (1959). On April 6, 1961, Andreasen's ministerial credentials were suspended by the church because of his ongoing public protests against church leadership. He died on Feb. 19, 1962. On March 1, 1962 the General Conference executive committee revoked its earlier decision.
[edit] Evangelicals Divided Over Questions on Doctrine
Meanwhile Walter Martin published his own response to Questions on Doctrine entitled The Truth About Seventh-day Adventism. The book carried with it a disclaimer that only those Adventists whose theology agreed with Questions on Doctrine were true members of the body of Christ.[citation needed] During 1960 to 1961 Ministry published a long series of responses to continued inquiries about points of differences.
There were other evangelicals who disagreed with Martin and Barnhouse's positive assessment of Adventism. In 1962 Norman F. Douty published Another Look at Seventh-day Adventism and Herbert S. Bird Theology of Seventh-day Adventism, both of which argued that Adventists were still a cult. The majority of Christians today follow Martin's view that Adventism is not a sect.
[edit] Legacy
Church historian George R. Knight wrote,
- "The publication of Questions on Doctrine did more than any other single event in Adventist history to create what appear to be permanently warring factions within the denomination."[3]
- "Official Adventism may have gained recognition as being Christian from the evangelical world, but in the process a breach had been opened which has not healed in the last 50 years and may never heal."[3]
The book was so controversial that attempts to reprint it were blocked after 1963. Evangelicals including Walter Martin himself continued to call for the book to be reprinted, but this was not done until Andrews University Press independently chose to reprint the book in 2003 as part of their "Adventist Classic Library" series. This new edition contained annotations and a historical introduction by George R. Knight.[4]
Questions on Doctrine generated a vocal minority theological movement which backs the theology of Andreasen and opposes the teaching set forward in the book. These "historic Adventists" perceive Questions on Doctrine as representing a major departure from traditional Adventist teaching, and believe that its publication has been harmful to the church. Other Adventists feel that Questions on Doctrine represents a courageous and insightful restatement of Adventist theology, while acknowledging that the book is not free from fault. For instance, it is clear that the authors pushed the facts too far with regard to Adventism's historic understanding of the Trinity, and present data about the human nature of Christ in a way that presents a false impression.
In 2005 Julius Nam, a doctoral student of George Knight, defended his dissertation on Questions on Doctrine.[5]
In 2007 a 50th anniversary conference is planned for scholars to reflect upon the history and theology of Questions on Doctrine and to promote dialogue between representatives of different theological positions that have emerged as a result of this book's publication.[6]
[edit] Topics
Questions on Doctrine addressed the following topics:
- Christology
- The role of Ellen G. White's writings
- The role of the law
- The Sabbath
- The sunday-law and Mark of the Beast
- The meaning of the remnant
- The prophecies of Daniel chapters 8 and 9
- The Adventist doctrines of the sanctuary and investigative judgment
- The second coming of Jesus
- Death and hell
[edit] See also
[edit] References
- ^ George Knight in the annotated edition describes the original as "the most divisive book in Seventh-day Adventist history", p.xiii
- ^ M. L. Andreasen, The Sanctuary Service, chapter entitled "The Last Generation"
- ^ a b (2003) in George R. Knight: Questions on Doctrine: Annotated Edition. Berrien Springs, Michigan: Andrews University Press, v, 522. ISBN 1-883925-41-X.
- ^ World Church: "Questions on Doctrine" Book Annotated, Republished, Adventist News Network, 18 November 2003.
- ^ Juhyeok Nam (2005). Reactions to the Seventh-day Adventist Evangelical Conferences and Questions on Doctrine 1955-1971. Berrien Springs, Michigan: Andrews University.
- ^ [1], Post by Julius Nam, "2007: What I am Looking Forward to" 1 January 2007.
For a review of the annotated edition, see Julius Nam, Andrews University Seminary Studies 44:1, p.185-86
[edit] External links
- The Day Adventists Became Christians, by Loren Dickinson in Spectrum
[edit] Online edition
The original 1957 edition of Questions on Doctrine can be read online at SDAnet.