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I'm Ralmin, also known as Simon Biber. Welcome to my user page. I'm 23 years old, a gay white Australian male, and a student at the University of Technology, Sydney. I am studying two degrees: Computing Science (majoring in computer graphics) and International Studies (majoring in Chinese language and culture). My home page is not really designed as anything except a start page for browsing.
大家好,我是ralmin,中文名字白熙孟,英文名字Simon Biber。欢迎您到我的用户页。我23岁,同性恋的澳大利亚白族男生,是悉尼科技大学的学生。我在学习双学位:计算机科学(主要是计算机图形学)和国际学习(主要是中国的语言和文化)。