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In Islam, a rasul (رسول) (Arabic: "messenger," plural rusul) is one of five people sent by God ("Allah" in Arabic) with a message. According to the Qur'an, God sent many prophets (anbiyaa, sing. nabi) to mankind. Twenty-five are mentioned by name in the Qur'an (see Prophets of Islam). Of these, the Qur'an names five as rusul: Ismail (Ishmael), Daud (David), Musa (Moses), Isa (Jesus), and Muhammad.[1]
[edit] Reference
- ^ University of Southern California Compendium of Muslim Texts. Retrieved on 2007-01-03.
Prophets of Islam in the Qur'an | ||||||||||||
Adam | Idris | Nuh | Hud | Saleh | Ibrahim | Lut | Ismail | Is'haq | Yaqub | Yusuf | Ayub | ![]() |
آدم | ادريس | نوح | هود | صالح | إبراهيم | لوط | اسماعيل | اسحاق | يعقوب | يوسف | أيوب | |
Adam | Enoch | Noah | Eber | Shelah | Abraham | Lot | Ishmael | Isaac | Jacob | Joseph | Job | |
Shoaib | Musa | Harun | Dhul-Kifl | Daud | Sulayman | Ilyas | Al-Yasa | Yunus | Zakariya | Yahya | Isa | Muhammad |
شعيب | موسى | هارون | ذو الكفل | داود | سليمان | إلياس | اليسع | يونس | زكريا | يحيى | عيسى | محمد |
Jethro | Moses | Aaron | Ezekiel | David | Solomon | Elijah | Elisha | Jonah | Zechariah | John | Jesus |