From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
RDS is an abbreviation for all of the following:
- Radio Data System
- Radio Dimensione Suono, an Italian-language radio station in Italy.
- Royal Dutch Shell
- Random Dot Stereogram (sometimes used interchangeably with Random Dot Autostereogram, a form of Autostereogram)
- Rate Determining Step, the slowest step of a chemical reaction and therefore the one that dictates how fast the reaction can go
- RDS Skatesupply: Skateboard clothing line, also known as Red Dragon Apparel
- Realistic disaster scenario
- Remote Data Services, a deprecated component of Microsoft's Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)
- Remote Desktop Support, using "RDSClient" a support agent program by 24x7Remote.com [1]
- Remote Development Services, part of Adobe's ColdFusion web developement platform.
- Research Defence Society
- Respiratory distress syndrome
- Restaurant Delivery Service
- Le Réseau des sports Inc., a French-language cable TV sports network in Quebec, Canada, owned by CTVglobemedia [2]
- Review of Diabetic Studies
- Reward Deficiency Syndrome, a condition often related to Attention Deficit Disorder.
- Rise of Destiny, a Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game booster pack
- Romania Data Systems, an ISP in Romania
- Rough Draft Studios
- Royal Dublin Society Holds the Internationally famous Dublin Horse Show every August.
- Run Drop Slide
- RDS-37