Remote Database Access
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Remote database access provides the ability to read or write to a bistatic database. In a bistatic configuration, the client program and database server reside on storage systems which are physically independent (or separate) from one another.
RDA is appropriate for remote access to a database in any context where lower layer transport protocols have already been established. RDA protocols have been shown to work properly in both OSI and Internet communications environments. The Internet RFC 1006 is the guide used for executing RDA over a TCP/IP connection.
It is expected that RDA will be used for interconnection among SQL database management products from different vendors. Interconnection among database products from the same vendor will likely continue to use vendor specific communication and interchange forms.
RDA ENHANCEMENTS The existing RDA/SQL Specialization standard does not yet support all of the facilities in the SQL-92 (ISO 9075:1992) language standard. Instead, it more closely approximates support for just the Entry SQL level of SQL-92. Work is in progress on an Amendment 1 to the RDA/SQL Specialization to support all SQL-92 features. Expected progression dates for Amendment 1 are CD registration in 1995 and formal adoption as an International Standard by 1997.
SQL-92 data types not yet fully supported by RDA are: DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL, CHARACTER VARYING, NATIONAL CHARACTER, BIT, and BIT VARYING. Also, very long character and bit strings, e.g. blobs, are not yet fully supported. SQL-92 facilities for special Descriptor and Diagnostic areas are not supported implicitly in RDA. Amendment 1 to the RDA/SQL Specialization will provide data type encodings for the above types and may also include facilities for Descriptor and Diagnostics information to flow on each SQL statement. In most other cases, RDA simply carries an SQL statement from Client to Server, so additional RDA facilities are not needed.