Remove Intoxicated Drivers
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Remove Intoxicated Drivers (RID) is the oldest national organization in the United States fighting alcohol impaired and drunk driving (DUI and DWI). Established in 1978 by Doris Aiken, the group's mission is to reduce alcohol impaired driving, advocate for victims, promote tough anti-DUI/DWI laws, reduce underage drinking, and serve as a watchdog for effective law enforcement of anti-drunken driving laws.
RID is unique in that it does not hire professional fundraisers, has no paid employees in the field, spends over 90% of all funds on programs, has no special interests represented on its boards of directors, and accepts no advertisements in its newsletter and bulletins.
Other groups active in fighting intoxicated driving include Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), the National Commission Against Drunk Driving (NCADD), Responsibility in DUI Laws and the Century Council.