Rianna Saren
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Rianna Saren was a female Twi'lek who was enslaved for the Galactic Empire by a ruthless Zabrak slaver, Zarien Kheev. As a teenager, she escaped on Coruscant to become a criminal and mercenary. She eventually released the droid Zeeo from Imperial control after he saved her from a Black Sun smuggler, and she was able to put his knowledge of Imperial data systems to good use. Zeeo was her only companion.
Due to her painful past, Rianna had an arrogant streak and was obsessed with making the Empire pay. She was also shunned by her own people for unknown reasons. A few months before the Battle of Yavin, she was hired by the Rebel Alliance to uncover the Empire's secret Death Star project and played a role in stealing the Death Star plans. At some point during her missions, she battled against her old nemesis Kheev.