User:Ricky Fieldmouse
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Name: Ricky Fieldmouse (Rokketto in Yapan)
Element type: Water and Magic
Age: Unknown (An estimated answer would be around 13.)
Likes: The pool, chocolate, ebi(shrimp sushi), Pokemon, people who treat him well, magic, and his favorite hat.
Dislikes: The beach, peanuts, bumblebees, wasps, hornets, yellow jackets, snakes, emoticons, orthadonists, and pain.
Family members: Richelle Fieldmouse(Sister)
Friends: Anchor Hedgehog, Aoi Kitsune, Slim Shadow, Strike Hedgehog, Okito Spider
Enimies: Metal Ricky, The Unidentified Alien Force, Valto
Games he's been in: VGR Pink Version(Unreleased), VGR Navy Version(Unreleased)
Abilities: Magicaps: The ability to to copy one's ability by wearing the other's headpiece.
Magitrance: The ability to hypnotise enemies using magic. Level ups include Magiorchestra and Magisymphony.
Magifusion: The ability to fuse with another person. This is mainly done with Anchor.
Super Forms: Twilight Ricky
List of Magicaps:
The Magic Cap: This is Ricky's favorite and default hat. It is Donald Duck's hat from Kingdom Hearts. It allows Ricky to use elemental magic besides his water element.
The Helicopter Cap: This cap allows Ricky to hover in the air for a short distance. It is Rayman's helicopter hair from the Rayman series.
The Plant Cap: This cap allows Ricky to control the life of plants. It is a Venusaur's flower.
The Zen Cap: This cap allows Ricky to destroy enemies, open locked doors, and wear away boulders using meditation. It is Ozymandias'(Ozy and Millie) top hat.
The Rap Cap: This has no inparticular powers to give to Ricky, except it turns his voice into a bass. It is PaRappa the Rapper's Beanie Hat.
The Sorcerer's Cap: This rare hard to find cap gives Ricky a significent boost of magic and turns Ricky into Twilight Ricky. It is Mickey Mouse's Sorcerer hat from Fantasia.
List of Magifusions: COMING SOON
More info on the way.