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Romula was an ancient city in Roman Dacia, nowadays being the village of Reşca, Dobrosloveni Commune, Olt County, Romania It was the capital of Dacia Malvensis, one of the three subdivisions of the province of Dacia.
The Roman city of Romula was located on an earlier Dacian settlement. It received the title of municipium during the rule of Hadrian (117-138) and the title of colonia during that of Septimius Severus (193-211).
The city had two belts of fortifications and two castra, in which were temporarily located units of the Legiones VII Claudia and XXII Primigenia and permanent a unit (numerus) of Syrian archers.
[edit] Further reading
- Tătulea, Corneliu Mărgărit. Romula-Malva. Monografie. Bucureşti, Ed. Museion, 1994, 176 p.
[edit] References
- Dicţionar de istorie veche a României ("Dictionary of ancient Romanian history") (1976) Editura Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică, pp. 510