Rough and Tumble
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Rough and Tumble, or RAT for short, is a martial art of South African origin. RAT is therefore a South African martial art and belongs to the African martial arts category. RAT was originally 'conceived' in the late 1980's in the South African Defense Force and officially founded in the early 1990's. RAT was originally developed for a need to train special forces soldiers in armed/unarmed combat. These soldiers were reconnaissance soldiers, known in South Africa as the recces [1].
RAT was developed for a need to train soldiers in a greater range self-defense techniques and situations than is offered in many conventional martial arts. Nowadays RAT is practised by civilian members and training is still geared towards small groups of learners. Practitioners are required to demonstrate knowledge, attitudes and skills in several areas: technical knowledge, strategy and creativity, open-mindedness, persistence and determination, martial arts skill and superior fitness.
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[edit] History
The development of RAT was influenced by several factors and several martial arts. As mentioned above it was conceived because of a practical need for soldiers, but later it developed as a contribution to the world of martial arts. Initially, its technical structure was influenced by conventional martial arts and fighting systems and sports, but its fundamental concept has always been that a complete martial art needs to incorporate learning in all areas of combat. RAT has matured and continues to develop as a martial arts approach, rather than as a rigidly defined system. Practitioners believe that they are contributing to a universal concept of martial art. This means that knowledge developed can be applied to other martial arts, but also that knowledge and principles can be applied in RAT from other martial arts.
The martial arts and fighting systems that influenced RAT in its early stages were: western boxing, Chinese Kung Fu (Gung Fu), Japanese jujitsu, Zulu and Southern Sotho stick fighting Nguni stick fighting, and taekwondo. Later influences include amateur wrestling, Hsing-i (Xing Yi), and eskrima.
[edit] Principles
Practitioners refer to RAT as a martial art because it was a rejected as a defense force sport. Reviewers suggested that the range of techniques indicated that RAT should rather be classified as a martial art. Initially, the founder, had named RAT, 'Rough and Tumble: The Sport of Integration', as the most basic principle of RAT is that it should incorporate, use and offer self-defense learning in all possible areas of combat (in other words integrate any concept that could be of use to learners). Whatever the need of application, RAT practitioners and teachers should have the insight and capacity to develop learning around such needs. So unlike most other martial arts, RAT does not have a specific technical structure and physical appearance which would enable someone to easily identify and classify RAT as RAT. The technical repertoire of one practitioner may be quite different for another practitioner. Learning becomes an individual experience and that is the real challenge for teachers of RAT.
[edit] Characteristics
While RAT might be an individualized form of learning there is a structured syllabus initially, which becomes far less structured at more advanced levels. Learners need to gain knowledge, skills and attitudes in a variety of areas and these areas form the physical and conceptual characteristics of RAT.
In terms of the physical characterisics, learners need to gain knowledge and skills in striking techniques (punches, kicks, elbow strikes, knee strikes, head butts, and other hand and finger strikes), standing grappling (throwing and tripping, clinching, trapping, locking and choking), ground grappling (striking, holds, locks, and chokes), target areas, use of weapons, defense against weapons, and self-defense. At the psychological and more cognitive level, learners need to demonstrate and apply knowledge in strategy, persistence and determination, ethics, laws, and and to display attitudes of open-mindedness and humbleness.
[edit] Syllabus structure
Each learner is given a syllabus, which for most learners will comprise of several sections:
- A fitness programme for that rank, level or grade
- A fitness test
- A sparring and drills assessment
- An assessment of technical and knowledge areas and skills
There are two syllabi, one for Junior RATs and one for Senior RATs. Junior RATs are learners below the age of twelve, and Senior RATs are learners over the age of twelve. Junior learners who enter classes at a young age and continue beyond the age of twelve are permitted to progress through the Junior ranks.
[edit] Junior syllabus and fanks
A more traditional ranks structure of coloured belts was adopted for Junior ranks and there is a final belt (junior black belt). On completion of the black belt level there is continuation onto the senior ranks. It is possible, especially for younger learners to gain intermediate grading levels, such as coloured stripes. For example, a learner may gain several intermediate stripe levels between red and yellow belt.
At every level learners are challenged and are required at an early phase to begin applying principles, creating new techniques, and to improve their sparring ability.
[edit] Junior fanks
- White Belt (no grading exam)
- Red Belt (practitioners receives RAT emblem for uniform)
- Yellow Belt
- Orange Belt
- Green Belt
- Blue Belt
- Purple Belt
- 1st Brown Belt
- 2nd Brown Belt
- 3rd Brown Belt
- Junior Black belt
[edit] Senior syllabus and fanks
In the senior ranks there are no conventional coloured belt markings. There is however a ranking structure. The syllabus for this level is also somewhat different and unconventional, so it is very difficult to make a comparison between the ranking belt structure of other martial arts.
For the first four ranks, learners are required to learn the Junior RAT syllabus in addition to further learning requirements. From the third rank onwards learners are also expected to do other required courses before they can complete their rank. Learning is challenging and gets progressively more difficult, both intellectually, physically, and technically. Initially tasks may be structured around already pre-determined techniques and situations, but at higher levels learners are required to reflect a lot more and create new techniques, as well as specialize in areas of their own interests.
Initially learners can be viewed almost as non-specialist 'jack of all trades'. For this reason practitioners are exposed to other martial arts and martial artists and may even compete in various other martial arts competitions and even no-holds-barred kind of competitions. Competition is viewed in the light that it cannot be fully realistic. So competition to RAT practitioners is regarded as a drill and a learning activity in a particular sub-area of combat. For example, if some learners enter a sport jiu-jitsu competition, it would be to enhance their attributes in grappling. For this reason, RAT learners mostly develop an open-minded attitude to other martial arts and martial artists.
There are eighteen ranks in total with numerous compulsory and non-compulsory courses. At the 9th rank level learners are required to complete a special course on 'persistence and determination (P&D)'. The P&D course is mostly devoted to developing the capacity to persevere, and is therefore often physically demanding in nature. Other spin-offs are the learners get to work in teams and engage with knowledge and skills. Usually at the end of this course, learners make noticeable improvements in their skill levels.