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Hello, I am a descendant of Childeric I, well actually this is not true but I like the fact that he was in love of a German princess. Childeric und Basina
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[edit] firesafety, securite incendie
- Wikipedia:WikiProject_Fire_Protection
- hail, Flood, Batardeau.
- Prestressed_concrete
- Coil,Wear_and_tear, Damper, Interlock
- Spire, like the Spire of Dublin, the Spire of Wroclav can be grounded for ligntning protection with only one cable.
- Interrogation
- Grinding machine, Pulverizer
- a non-combustible Tarpaulin
[edit] biodiversity
Conservation status of species, Biodiversity Action Plan.
Why is it important? In the Harvard Negotiation project, one of the method is called: "Generate a variety of possibilities before deciding what to do". Nature generates biodiversity, thus it can "make" suitable organisms, if one considers an organism as an hypothesis. It keeps all sorts of running processes at life, that might be successful possibilities in the future. (citation needed, LOL) Human beings tent to reduce this diversity for productivity reasons, 2 examples:
- The Holstein (cattle) for example represents most of the cows producing milk in Europe, whereas there is a huge variety of Cattle.
- Spruce represents a great surface coverage of forests in Europe, it was favored by forest owners and government agencies because its rate of growth is very high and its wood finds many uses in the industry. Although there are a lot of other trees that are often better adapted to the soil where it is planted.
Now call this stupid bullshit: it has a cost, why would companies want to maintain Biodiversity?
- It is said that diseases spread easily in a pool of animals that have similar genes and are of similar constitution. (got an example???)
- The great storm of 1999 was a disaster in spruce plantations in France. On clay soils, Spruce tend to build up a surface root system only, which is more vulnerable to strong winds than the deep seated root systems. It is said that a more diversified forest resist better, because stronger species of trees can break up the power off the wind.
As part of a risk mitigation process, it is important for farmers, forest owners, industrial and authorities to realize that biodiversity is an investment in the resistance to climate change, it is a advantage for disease combat, they should not see it as a futile burden but as a pool of future answers to nature's instability.
[edit] robot
Peut-être que je pourrais participer au [projet robotique|] de la wikipedia francaise, ils cherchent des gens pour traduire des articles en francais. The [python wikipediabot|] allows you to upload lots of pages for example with
- I downloaded pywikipedia with tortoise vcs on windows.
- I also downloaded it with cvs on linux $ cvs -d co pywikipedia