Russian philosophy
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Russian philosophy is a broad field, little known to most non-Russians, dominated by religious and humanistic figures such as Vladimir Soloviev and social or political philosophers such as Vladimir Lenin. Berdyaev is among the many famous Russian philosophers of the 20th century.
[edit] Major Thinkers
[edit] Russian Enlightenment
- Hryhori Skovoroda (1722 - 1794)
- Mikhail Shcherbatov (1733 - 1790)
- Alexander Radishchev (1749 - 1802)
[edit] Slavophilism and Pochvennichestvo
- Ivan Kireevsky (1806 - 1856)
- Aleksey Khomyakov (1804 - 1860)
- Vladimir Odoevsky (1803 - 1869)
- Konstantin Aksakov (1817 - 1860)
- Nikolay Danilevsky (1822 - 1885)
- Nikolay Strakhov (1828 - 1896)
- Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821 - 1881) Religious philosopher artist (see Nikolai Berdyaev)
- Konstantin Pobedonostsev (1827 - 1907)
- Konstantin Leontiev (1831 - 1891)
- Ivan Ilyin (1883 - 1954)
[edit] Russian Symbolists
- Valery Bryusov (1873 - 1924)
- Alexander Blok (1880 - 1921)
- Andrei Bely (1880 - 1934)
- Vyacheslav Ivanovich Ivanov (1866 - 1949)
- Innokenty Annensky (1855 - 1909)
[edit] Westernizers
- Pyotr Chaadaev (1794 - 1856)
- N. Stankevish
- Vissarion Belinsky (1811 - 1848)
- Alexander Herzen (1812 - 1870) Father of Russian Socialism
[edit] Russian Positivists
- Peter Lavrovich Lavrov (1823 - 1900)
- G. Virubov
- E. de Roberty
- Nikolay Mikhaylovsky (1842 - 1910)
- K. Kavelin
- M. Troitsky
- N. Kareyev
- N. Korkunov
[edit] Russian cosmism
- Nikolay Fyodorov (1828 - 1906)
- Vladimir Vernadsky (1863 – 1945)
- Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (1857 - 1935)
[edit] Mysticism
- Nikolay Novikov (1744 - 1818)
- M. M. Speransky (1772 - 1839)
- Helena Blavatsky (1831 - 1891)
- G. I. Gurdjieff (1872 - 1949)
- P. D. Ouspensky (1878 - 1947)
[edit] Epistemology, Logic and Metaphysics
- Boris Chicherin (1828 - 1904)
- N. Debolsky
- P. Bakunin
- M Karinsky
- N. Grot
- Prince Trubertskoy
[edit] Anarchism
- Leo Tolstoy (1828 - 1910)
- Peter Kropotkin (1842 - 1921)
[edit] Materialist, Nihilist
- Ivan Turgenev The father of nihilism (see Fathers and Sons)
- Mikhail Bakunin (1814 – 1876)
- N. G. Chernyshevsky (1828 - 1889)
- Dimitri Pisarev (1840 - 1868)
- Ivan Sechenov (1829 - 1905)
[edit] Socialism and Marxism
- George Plekhanov (1856 - 1918)
- Vladimir Lenin (1870 - 1924)
- Alexander Bogdanov (1873 - 1928)
[edit] Christian religious-philosophy
Pre- Solovyov
- P. Yurkevichh
- V. Kudriavtsev
- N. Fedorov
- Vladimir Solovyev (1853 - 1900)
Solovyev is noted to have created the first complete encompassing system of Russian philosophy [1]. - Vasily Rozanov (1856 - 1919)
- Sergei Bulgakov (1871 - 1944)
- Pavel Florensky (1882 - 1937)
[edit] Orthodox Christian Theologian
- Georges Florovsky (1893 - 1979)
- Alexander Schmemann (1921 - 1983)
- John Meyendorff (1926-1992)
- Vladimir Lossky (1903 – 1958)
[edit] Intuitivists - Personalism
- Nikolai Lossky (1870 - 1965)
- Semen L. Frank (1877 - 1950)
- A. F. Losev (1892 -
- Dmitri Vassilyevich Boldyrev (1885 - 1920)
- Sergey Alexandrovich Levitsky
- Vladimir Alexandrovich Kozhevnikov (1850 - 1917)
[edit] Intuitive - Realism
- B. Babynin
- A. Ognyov
- F. Berezhkov
- P. Popov
[edit] Existentialism
- Lev Shestov (1866 - 1938)
- Nikolai Berdyaev (1874 - 1948)
[edit] Aesthetics
- Alexei Losev (1893 - 1988)
- Mikhail Bakhtin (1895 - 1975)
- Leonid Stolovitsh (*1939)
[edit] See also
- Philosophy in the Soviet Union
- Lev Gumilev
- Dmitry Likhachev
- Vasily Nalimov
- Mikhail Epstein
- Philosophers' ship
[edit] References
- ^ History of Russian Philosophy pg 81. N.O. Lossky
History of Russian Philosophy «История российской Философии »(1951) by N. O. Lossky Publisher: Allen & Unwin, London ASIN: B000H45QTY International Universities Press Inc NY, NY sponsored by Saint Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary
[edit] External links
- Brief overview of Russian philosophy
- PHILTAR - Comprehensive web site with links to texts and resources
- Russian philosophy page at IEP
- Directory of links to Russian philosophers, mostly in Russian
- Routledge entry
- Konstantin Leontiev
- Sergius Bulgakov Society - Extensive collection of links to Bulgakov resources
- Bulgakov LiveJournal - Collected materials of particular relevance to Russian religious philosophy