From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There is very little I have to say about myself. I have been contributing to Wikipedia for a little over two years. I don't know that I could be necessarily classified as much of a Wikipedian.
I more-or-less keep to myself, unless provoked. When I vote on something, it's because that's how I feel, and that's the direction I think the issue should take. I don't often choose to clarify my opinion to any further extent.
I've become disillusioned with some facets of Wikipedia. I think to delete an image that someone is willing to place here to accompany an article, but that they are not willing to have used by anyone, anywhere, at will, is a little ridiculous. However, I'm in the minority there, and I've learned to live with it.
I like to think that Wikipedia is something that is, and will continue to be, of great benefit to the whole. It will never be perfect, and some people have yet to realize that.
I live in Assonet, Massachusetts (which is not mutually-inclusive with Freetown, Massachusetts, despite what outsiders think). Assonet is in Southeastern Massachusetts. There is no such place as South Coast.