Talk:Santa Fe, New Mexico
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[edit] Famous people from Sant Fe
A list for noteworthy people from Santa Fe should be started. Zach Condon, Georgia O'Keeffe, (Not born or raised, but is very significant to)
and others obviously should be added, when a list of at least ten is compiled on the discussion page I am going to add it.
- Georgia O'Keeffe never lived in Santa Fe for very long. Her primary residence was in Abiqiu. The reason her Museum is in Santa Fe, is because Santa Fe was a better place to display her art. Other notable people that did live in Santa Fe for extended periods include Witter Bynner and . . . darn I'm forgetting, I'll have to look that up. -- ST
[edit] Santa Fe expedition
Just read Dead Man's Walk and was surprised to find no reference to the Santa Fe expedition in this article. Does anyone know anything about it?--Charlie Perry 04:55, 9 November 2005 (UTC)
Question regarding the derivation of the name: Faith is both a concept and a woman's name. In fact there was a St. Faith, or, actually, since she was French, Ste. Foy. Her shrine is in southern France, on the prilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostella. See Conques. So: is the city dedicated to the saint, or to the concept? -- Loren
- The full name is "La Villa Real de la Santa Fe de San Francisco de Asis", so it's about Faith, in general, and the faith of St. Francis in particular, and not about Ste. Foy.
- The city is dedicated to St. Francis of Asisi. That's why his name is included in the full name of the city. -- ST
Comments about the deletion of the Statuary section: Having an entire section on statuary, where there is no section on religious art, or native American art, or architecture in Santa Fe, is inappropriate and misleading for an encyclopedic article. Statuary should be subordinate to the larger topic of art in Santa Fe. Santa Fe is known for many diverse art forms and media, with statuary being just one. It would be great to see the section be rewritten as a section on the arts. In such a section, mention of statuary would be perfectly appropriate. -- Natch
- Natch, I hope that you set yourelf up with a user page so that we can discuss some of your changes to Santa Fe. Although the staturay section was not mine [though one of the photos was] I think that building up a discussion of the other arts around it might have been a beeter solution than deleting what was there. Santa Fe is a major sculpture market and I think what was there was acurate. As far as removing the architects names from the Capitol Building and labeling it as 'spam,' that is more of a mystery. As an art historian I like knowing who the architect of a building is and am considering adding that information to all the state capitols here but don't wish to get in a editing snit with you about it. If it were a picture of the Mona Lisa would you object to Da Vinci's name being included? Carptrash 00:08, 8 Nov 2004 (UTC)
[edit] New Mexico a territory or state of Mexico?
Can anyone establish for certain whether New Mexico was a state or territory of Mexico after 1821 (i.e., what formally became of the Province of New Mexico of New Spain after Mexican independence?). As far as I know, Mexico never has had provinces (only states and territories under its constitution). -- Decumanus 22:00, 2005 May 8 (UTC)
- Well spotted. Under the 1824 Constitution of Mexico it was a federally administered territory. I'm not sure whether or not the 1835 santannista bases constitucionales changed that or not. –Hajor 01:08, 9 May 2005 (UTC)
[edit] 1607?
I thought the town was founded in 1609 or 1610. Funnyhat 07:23, 19 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Here's a source that talks about the date being uncertain, but certainly either 1607 or 1608. Its formal and legal founding, or incorporation, as opposed to first settlement, was in 1610 by Don Pedro de Peralta. GTBacchus 4 July 2005 06:28 (UTC)
[edit] Santa Fe, or Santa Fé?
Wéll? TheMadBaron 18:23, 6 October 2005 (UTC)
- Between living there for six years, and googling just now, I can't find a single instance of anyone spelling it "Santa Fé". Even websites en Español spell it without the accent. GTBacchus 18:50, 6 October 2005 (UTC)
Thanks. Just checking. From the Santa Fe disambiguation page. I gather that the Spanish is Santa Fe, and the Portuguese is Santa Fé (various places in Brazil). I've edited the Comanche History page accordingly. TheMadBaron 22:55, 6 October 2005 (UTC)
[edit] fakeadobe?
having grown up in santa fe I have never heard of fakeadobe. perhaps I was out of the loop.-Luba b.
- There's plenty of "fake adobe" in this town. Basically, many newer structures are wood-framed buildings with insulation added - 10" wide or so for houses - and then "chicken wire" added to be covered in a series of layers of "fake" adobe eother in the traditional dirt color or "stained" that way.
Vivaverdi 17:45, 12 February 2006 (UTC)
Yes, that's true, but I don't think the term actually warrants usage. User:AdamFJohnson
I live in Santa Fe, and I've heard the term "fauxdobe" used to describe the wood-framed stuccoed technique that is used for most new construction here. I've never heard "fakeadobe". If nobody objects I'll change it... Syperk 18:54, 6 August 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Paragraph removed from Demographics section
- The current "re-colonization" of Santa Fe has brought social strife to prior long term residents that has commercialized the beauty of traditional Native American and Hispanic life, land, art, and religion. This process of gentrification has pushed out the culture that can no longer survive in the changed economic conditions brought by "artists" and "movie stars." Local culture is most acurately defined by stereotyped and homogenized "native" and "Latin" culture that is commercialized for "tourism" and "progress" of the oppressed population instead of growth of the pre-Anglicized/ commercialized culture.
- I'm not entirely sure what that even says.
- It's original research unless it's sourced.
-GTBacchus(talk) 19:40, 17 January 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Art and Culture section expanded
And it probably needs more work, but it was woefully inadequate and a lot of the material appeared under the Demographics section. Vivaverdi 22:29, 20 January 2006 (UTC)
Shouldn't Canyon Road be expanded to be a little more than a 2 lines? And also I feel like the railyard district is almost more important as far a developing Santa Fe culturally. Thoughts? User:AdamFJohnson 17:02, 24 January 2006
AGREE on need for expansion. Railyard plans in progress will greatly change that area. I'm too new to Santa Fe to write much on it now, but encourage others to do so. My revisions were an attempt to make some of this flow rather better. It could still do with some revisions.... Vivaverdi 01:34, 25 January 2006 (UTC)
[edit] images
Do not use thumbnails wider than 200px. It always fucks the formatting and looks like ass in browser windows smaller than 1024px (i.e., 99% of the world's viewers).
Place images where they make sense, do not randomly sprinkle them in the text.
While you are cleaning up the article you could take a few seconds to clean up the language you used in this talk page. Wikipedia is supposed to be devoid of such language. --AlainV 22:47, 22 January 2006 (UTC)
[edit] IS THIS REAL??????????????
Santa Fe (Spanish, "Holy Faith") (full form: La Villa Real de Stefan Zimpasa asis , English: Royal City of the Holy Faith of St. Francis of Assisi) Vivaverdi 02:50, 26 January 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Extrnal links added to promote someone's business. Do we allow this???
I have reverted one link today, and now find that it is back in place. It is:
(link removed) Right now it contains nothing, as does its Taos, New Mexico companion, where clicking on the so-called sections produces nothing. I would like to see agreement here that justifies the removal of what are purely commercial, self serving links to external sites.Vivaverdi 06:20, 3 August 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Climate
I'm not saying it's necessarily false, but I doubt the winter temperatures don't go higher than four degrees Celsius. Can anyone verify this?
- As a resident, 4 C sounds like a reasonable average during the winter. -- ST
[edit] Remove Sports Section
Neither of those teams are based in Santa Fe. Scorpions were based in Albuquerque, and I'll be that other team was too. I think they should be added to either the ABQ page, or the New Mexico page, and removed from the Santa Fe section.
- Whoops, my bad, these are the new youth leagues. Sorry, I must be tired. -- ST
[edit] Agreed policy on exclusion of commercial external links promoting individual businesses
Agreed policy on exclusion of commercial external links promoting individual businesses. PLEASE ADD YOUR THOUGHTS
With many popular articles such as real estate broker or real estate, there is a consensus amongst editors that the inclusion of purely commercial links to promote an individual business or commercial enterprise should not be allowed. Therefore, real estate agent website links are quickly removed.
In this article, some commerical sites creep in and are generally reverted. PLEASE add your comments below in support of a policy not to allow commercial links.
Vivaverdi 22:29, 27 December 2006 (UTC)
- I generally agree. Few exceptions are warrented, (opera, o'keeffe museum, and lensic are arguably commercial links), but specific businesses or commercially driven sites should be strongly discouraged. Help craft WP:EL to reflect your views :). ∴ here…♠ 01:08, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
- I absolutely agree. Some say that "Wikipedia makes the internet not suck." In my opinion, what makes that true is our freedom from advertising. The quickest way to destroy Wikipedia would be to allow commerce to take it over. Commercial links must not be allowed. -- Mwanner | Talk 02:42, 28 December 2006 (UTC)