Sasaki clan
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Sasaki clan a Japanese clan that mainly originated during the Heian period of the 12th century, and the Edo period of the 17th century. There existed a certain Sasaki Shrine where Sasaki Yamagimi, a warlord, worshipped the god of ancestor's spirit. Following the middle of the Heian period (794 - 858), the shrine was used to worship the tutelary god of the Sasaki clan. It is said that through this, the "Omi-Genji Festival" is held every year on Otober 10th in respect of the Sasaki clan. One member of note amongst the Sasaki clan is none other than Sasaki Kojiro, the famous swordsman and rival of Miyamoto Musashi. The favorite technique of Kojiro was his "Tsubame Gaeshi" (Turning Swallow Cut), in which he attempted to use on Musashi throughout their duel. It is also known that the Sasaki clan apparently was a political obstacle to that of the Hosokawa, and the defeat of Kojiro would be a political setback to his religious and political foes.