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== satisfaction, I have a talk to do at my toastmasters club and having just gone out with my dog this evening I did the usual thing of taking a"poo bag" and torch . My dog is a very neat and tidy fellow as he tends to do his business in off the beaten track places. Any way to cut a long story short , I had the insight and realization, in the act of picking up my dog's poo using click torch and perfumed nappy bag that an experience of satisfaction overwhelmed me and I thought what an interesting topic to discuss and dwell over for 5-7minutes. So I decided to google satisfaction and it leads me to this place now of inviting fellow Wikipedia viewers to open a discusion on SATISFACTION ==]] What creates satisfaction and where does it come from? What is this need to Feel satisfied? How does satisfaction relate to needs and wants? eg we need to breathe, yet is a single breath enough, no we have to be continually satisfied with taking in breath for as long as we live!!! so here we have the bodies need for constant satiisfaction. It seems to me that our whole way of being is dependent on this state of waiting for an event to happen that will create an experience of satisfaction and when past creaes the inevitable need for another event to create an experience of being satisfied and so on