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[SBGN, born USA, August 23,1946]
Swami B.G. Narasingha [Jack B. Hebner] is a Hindu monk, author, photographer, videotographer, and documentarian. He currently resides in India at Sri Narasingha Chaitanya Matha.
The books by SBGN include 'Kumbha Mela', Vaishnava India, Gayatri-nigudhartha, Saraswata Parampara, Evolution of Theism, and Prakrta-rasa-aranya-chedini. His numerous articles on the topics of archaeology, history, architecture, Indian music, Indian dance, and Indian spirituality have appeared in such monthly journals as Back to Godhead, Clarion Call, Gaudiya Vedanta, Saranagati, and Krsna Talk (email list).
The video documentaries by SBGN include Deva Vision Promo, Kumbha Mela, Gandaki, Himalaya Pilgrimage, and The Universal Teacher [biography of Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura].