Scene It?
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Scene It? is a DVD TV board game in which players answer trivia questions about films or pop culture. The game combines questions read from trivia cards or viewed on a television from an included DVD or based on clips from movies, TV shows, music videos, sports and other popular culture phenomena. Clips in general editions come from 20th Century Fox, DreamWorks, MGM, Sony Pictures Entertainment, and Universal.
[edit] Gameplay
Players choose either a short or long game, and adjust the patented Flextime game board: for a short game, the board is folded so fewer spaces show. Each player throws a six-sided die to see who goes first. Then, the player rolls both the ordinary die and a customized eight-sided "category die" to see how far they move, and what challenge they face. The challenge can range from a trivia card question, a DVD challenge, ("My Play" or "All Play"), or they may have to draw a "Buzz card" (Cards are often renamed in special editions) - the game's version of chance cards. If the roller wins the challenge, they can go again, but if they lose, the dice are handed to the next player. This process keeps going until someone hits the All Play to Win stop sign, in which that player must win one final All Play, in which everyone participates, in order to win. If not, they go to ring 3 of the zone called Final Cut. There they must answer 3 questions right. If that falls through, then on the next turn they only have to answer 2 questions, and then only 1 question if that fails. If a Final Cut challenge is won, then they win the game, and they get to watch a victory scene on the DVD.
[edit] History
In 2002, Screenlife introduced Scene It? Movie Edition, the first ever DVD game. Since then, Scene It? has grown into an international, award-winning brand with games that include TV, Sports, Music, James Bond, Harry Potter, Disney and more.
New DVD expansion games are released every year. Expansions currently in the marketplace include:
- Deluxe Movie Edition
- Deluxe Sequel
- Junior Edition
- Music Edition
- TV Edition
- Harry Potter Edition
- Friends Edition
- Disney Edition
- Sports Edition
- Squabble Edition
- Warner Brothers 50th Anniversary Edition
- James Bond Edition
- HBO Edition
- Turner Classic Movies Edition
- The OC Edition
- Nickelodeon Edition
- Marvel Comics Edition