Scouts of China
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Scouting organization | |
![]() The Logo of Scouts of China |
Organizational data | |
Name | Scouts of China |
Headquarters | The General Association of the Scouts of China |
Location | Taipei City |
Country | Taiwan (Republic of China) |
Founded | February 25, 1912 |
Founder | Yen Chia-lin |
Membership | 69452(September, 2005) |
Director | Yang Chao-hsiang |
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Following the birth of the Republic of China, the first Scout troop was organized by Rev. Yen Chia-lin in Wuchang on February 25, 1912 and the Scouting movement spread rapidly all over the country. In 1930 the First National jamboree of the Boy Scouts of China was held in Nanking, attended by 3,575 Scouts, and the Second National Jamboree in 1936, also held in Nanking, hosted 13,268 Scouts. The General Association of the Scouts of China was formally established in Nanking in 1934, and became a member of the International Scout Bureau in 1937.
Registered membership reached 570,000 in 1941. However, all Scouting activities were interrupted in 1949, when the Chinese communists took over Mainland China. The Chinese Scout Association was reorganized in 1950 on the island of Taiwan, and resumed the membership of the International Scout Bureau as Scouts of China (中國童子軍), though the name of Scout organisation is still the General Association of the Scouts of China.
In 1974, Chuan Kai Teng was awarded the Bronze Wolf, the only distinction of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, awarded by the World Scout Committee for exceptional services to world Scouting. Other recipients include Mr. You-hwa Shieh in 1976 and Mr. Chung-Shin Chen in 1982.
On November 1-3, 1993 Taipei hosted the 23rd Asia Pacific Committee meeting.
Contents |
[edit] Program
The fundamental core values of the Scouts of China are reflected and expressed through the Scout Promise, Law and Motto.
The highest rank is the National Flower Class (國花級章) earned by the Senior Scout branch (行義童子軍). National Flower refers to the plum blossom, official flower of the Republic of China. The badge has the plum blossom on the center-top position, flanked by three colours of red, white and blue of the national flag. The first class emblem of the Scouts of China occupies the center, surrounded by golden laurel wreaths to indicate the prestige and completed progress achieved in the Senior Scout training.
[edit] Scout Promise
- Official translation:
- I wish to join the Scouts of China, and on my honor, I promise that I will obey the Scout Law, and all my life do my best
- To do my duty to God, be friendly to the people and become a righteous Chinese citizen.
- To help others and serve the public at all times.
- To strive to make myself rich in knowledge, perfect in character, and healthy in physical constitution.
[edit] Scout Law
一、誠實 (為人之道,首在誠實,無論做事、說話、居心,均須真實不欺。)
二、忠孝 (對國家須盡忠,對父母應盡孝。)
三、助人 (盡己之力,扶助他人,每日至少行一善事,不受酬,不居功。)
四、仁愛 (待朋友須親愛,待眾人須和善,對生命要尊重,對社會要關心,對大自然要愛護。)
五、禮節 (對人須有禮貌,凡應對進退,均應合乎規矩。)
六、公平 (明事理、辨是非,待人公正,處事和平。)
七、負責 (信守承諾,克盡職責,遵守團體紀律,服從國家法令。)
八、快樂 (心常愉快,時露笑容,無論遇到何困難,均應處之泰然。)
九、勤儉 (好學力行,刻苦耐勞,不浪費時間,不妄用金錢。)
十、勇敢 (義所當為,毅然為之,不為利誘,不為威屈,成敗在所不計。)
十一、整潔 (身體、服裝、住所、用具須整齊清潔,言語須謹慎,心地須光明。)
十二、公德 (愛惜公物,重視環保,勿因個人便利,妨害公眾。)
- Official translation:
- Honesty
- Loyalty and Filial Devotion
- Helpfulness
- Loving Kindness
- Courtesy
- Justice
- Responsibility
- Cheerfulness
- Industriousness and Thrift
- Courage
- Cleanness
- Public Spirit
[edit] Scout Motto
- Official translation:
- Be Prepared
- Practise a Good Turn Everyday
- Service as Goal of Life
[edit] The Song of Chinese Scouts
中國童子軍 童子軍 童子軍
我們 我們 我們是中華民族的新生命
年紀雖小志氣真 獻此身 獻此力 為人群
忠孝 仁愛 信義 和平 充實我們行動的精神
大家團結向前進 前進 前進
青天高 白日明
- Translation:
- Scouts, Scouts, Scouts of China
- We, we, we are the new lives of Chinese race.
- Although we are young, our determination is real. We contribute our bodies and efforts to serve mankind.
- Loyalty and Filial Devotion, Loving Kindness, Honesty and Justice, and Peace empower our spirit in action.
- We unite and go forward, forward, forward.
- Blue sky is high. White sun is bright.
- Note: The "Blue Sky and White Sun" referred to in the song is the national emblem of the Republic of China and can be found on the republic's flag.
[edit] International Scouting units in Taiwan
Taiwan also has active expatriate Scout groups, including two organizations focused on serving children of American military families living in Taiwan and elsewhere in eastern Asia and the western Pacific: USA Girl Scouts Overseas, serviced by the West Pacific Girl Scout Council, and Boy Scouts of America, serviced by the Taiwan District of the Far East Council. These councils serve BSA and GSUSA units comprised of children of diplomatic, business and military personnel, and international units run under their auspices.
[edit] See also
- Scouting in Mainland China
- The Scout Association of Hong Kong
- The Scout Association of Macau
- Girl Scouts of Taiwan
- Sun Li-jen
- Yang Huimin
[edit] External links and references
- The official website of the General Association of the Scouts of China
- Facts on World Scouting, Boy Scouts International Bureau, Ottawa, Canada, 1961
Full members: Australia | Bangladesh | Bhutan | Brunei | Republic of China (Taiwan) | Fiji | Hong Kong | India | Indonesia | Japan | Kiribati | South Korea | Malaysia | Maldives | Mongolia | Nepal | New Zealand | Pakistan | Papua New Guinea | Philippines | Singapore | Sri Lanka | Thailand |