Sega SC-3000
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The SC-3000 was the computer equivalent of the SG-1000 cartridge-based gaming console manufactured by Sega.
The SC-3000 sold for ¥29,800 in 1983 and was marketed as a computer for beginners. Since games were compatible with both the SC-3000 and SG-1000, and since the SC-3000 was also able to run computer applications, it outsold the SG-1000.
Users were able to create their own programs and games on the machine. A speech synthesis unit, light pen, and several other third party accessories were also available.
The SC-3000H, which originally sold for ¥33,800, was an upgraded version of the SC-3000 with more RAM and an upgraded keyboard (the original keyboard was of the low-end membrane type).
The SC-3000 had an add-on called the SF-7000. The SF-7000 added 64KB of RAM and 8KB ROM, a 3-inch floppy disk drive, a Centronics parallel port, and an RS232 serial port.