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I ran across the Hubert Humphrey article and it caused me to recall something I have forgotten since two or three years ago.I am going to stop working this way,for I may cause perturbances.I am likely to be reminded of most anything by most anything.It is not random.It is control.This is not a computer,but a communicator.The computer is a (part) of the communicator.My first interest in Australia was due to the synchronous arrival of a Garden Railway magazine just as I had completed my model.I had concieved of the identical form and function in entirety,but had assembled something different in order to test the reasonableness of being able to do the thing by more than one means and still be correct.The turnout by Mr. Hunter,of Australia,reduces to what must be the original machine.A single simple pivot.Mine has a sliding FROG,in railroad vernacular.Out on the farm in the 1990's I did for the first time observe a snake swallowing a toad frog.It could not have swallowed Mr. Hunters because it would not be on the track,for his design has no frog.My design slides sideways(the frog part) All other types,both models and those in actual railroad use have a static rail piece as a frog.The comparison is one of the train swallowing the rail,as the snake swallows the frog of living note.My earliest photo of the stub type mechanism is 1876 in vermont.The latest,listed as one of the last,is in Missouri,in 1958.They were gradually replaced over the years as obsolete.So,my sliding frog at least represents a jumping frog.I presume the static frog represents one paralyzed with fear,if not dead.With my discovery and study of railroad history,I became absorbed in the field in the 1990's.That doesn't mean I'm a cornstalk drinking water.(I'm ready for any jokes)I would have explained all this to Mr. Hunter,except my e-mail has never functioned,my IP seems to be an automaton,and has left town as well.They happened to have the name Crown,the first half of the name of the town I live in (crown point,indiana)but when I found their listing they were located in Boulder or Pueblo Colorado.Since this thing came along it would have me running all over the world,and I'm not fond of travel.So,I appreciate the internet.If you want to check,you can find Gregory Hunter's site in Garden Railways listings in Loftus,New South Wales.I did talk to him this previous summer on the phone.His sign just quit functioning-it did once before-I will get this done-enjoy the story-(note-the kife sharp rail parts of the new standard replacement mechanisms represent evolving sharpened fangs of the snake,as opposed to somewhat stubby possible teeth,earlier in the last couple centuries.My speculation)(could be a technical inducement to increasing predatory activity)A reason why I look for an (ancient)automaton.vegetarian-alphabetically-just preceeds VEHICLE-generic term-Good Night-