Talk:Siege of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem
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Fire in The Church It is my opinion that the IDF started the fire using one of thier flares. Two reasons.
First I dont belive the occupants of the church would have any reason to start the fire. The priests wouldn't have started the fire becasue it is thier holy site. The palistineans recognize christ as a prophet. So the church of the nativity would be somewaht sacred to them. Plus it wouldn't make much sense trying to burn down the building you are curently hiding in. Second I belive the the Isrelis had the means and the oppertunity to start the fire. They were preforming phychlogical warfare on the occupants by playing loud noises, setting of pyrotechnics, launching flares, and rolling a Merkava tank into the complex. This kind of tactic is normal procedure during any siege, but the fact that the fire was started durring this siege leads me to belive the IDF was responsible. The most convincing piece of evidence is the Frontline video. Thre is a part when the IDF officer is asking some of his soldiers if they could hae started the fire. The soldiers are smiling at first and denying that they evan shot any flares off. The soldiers say "100% it was the palistineans." The IDF officer expalins that the whole world is watching them burn the church. And that this is a very serious affair. Only then do the soldiers stop smiling and the officer walks out looking very irate.
Reason for Importance Wikipedia has a great oppertunity to make itself know as one of the most complete guides to the Palistinean-Isreli
conflict. All we need to do is show objectivity and keep lots of infromation on this topic. Somone had deleted my origional post early on June 28th less than a week later a user with the ip deleted my post. If we are ever to raise Wikipedia to the high standards of printed encylopedias, we must stop this loss of infromation, and hold those who delete infromation accountable. I would really like to open up discussion on this very important topic.