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Simão Ferraz de Campos Neto joined the secretariat of the ITU Standardization Sector in 2002, and is the Counsellor for ITU-T Study Groups 6 (for outside plant and indoor installations) and 16 (for standardization work on multimedia services, protocols, systems, terminals and media coding). He organized several workshops (e.g. Telecoms for Disaster Relief, on Standardization in E-health and on the Multilingual Internet) and was the editor of the first version of the ITU-T Security Manual. Prior to joining ITU in 2002, Mr Campos worked as a scientist in COMSAT Laboratories performing standards representation and quality assessment for digital voice coding systems. A Senior Member of the IEEE, Mr Campos authored several academic papers and position papers, and served in the review committee of several IEEE-sponsored conferences.
You can contact him at simaoDOTcamposATituDOTint.