Six Best Practices
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Six Best Practices is a paradigm in software engineering that lists six ideas to follow when designing any software project to minimize faults and increase productivity as described in Rational Unified Process. These practices are:
- Develop Iteratively – it is best to know all requirements in advance; however, often this is not the case. Several software development processes exist that deal with providing solution on how to minimize cost in terms of development phases
- Manage Requirements – always keep in mind the requirements set by user
- Use Components – breaking down an advanced project is not only suggested but in fact unavoidable. This promotes ability to test individual components before they are integrated into a larger system. Also, code reuse is a big plus and can be accomplished easier through the use of object-oriented programming
- Model Visually – use diagrams to represent all major components, users, and their interaction. "UML", short for Unified Modeling Language, is one tool that can be used to make this task more feasible.
- Verify Quality – always make testing a major part of the project at any point of time. Testing becomes heavier as the project progresses but should be a constant factor in any software product creation.
- Control Changes – many projects are created by many teams, sometimes in various locations, different platforms may be used, etc. As a result it is essential to make sure that changes made to a system are synchronized and verified constantly. One tool used for this is Concurrent Versions System
[edit] See also
[edit] Further reading
- Schach Stephen, Classical and Object-Oriented Software Engineering, 6/e, WCB McGraw Hill, New York, 2004.
- Unified Process white paper