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Sort of related: - Omegatron 21:12, July 22, 2005 (UTC)
I'm not sure why "motes" redirects to this page. "mote" is a much broader topic than nanotechnology or anything listed on this page currently.
- Not anymore. — Omegatron 21:35, 17 February 2006 (UTC)
There should be a separate article for "motes", they are real world technology capable of being implemented wear smartdust is still quite a ways out there. is a good article about motes. — Zath42 05:14, 12 March 2007 (UTC)
This article need seriouse rewriting. First of all Smart Dust was originally a Darpa project back in 70's and 80's afaik. I think the project is called SENSIT now, it's either the same project or the follow up.
Sorry I can't provide any references right now.
--- Haakoo // Håkon K. Olafsen