User:Son of the right
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I am an orthodox Jew who greatly appreciates islamic influence of the now Jewish belief in a non physical God. I used to be Saul sea where I vandalized several wikipedia articles. I apologize to those whom I caused pain. I have repented and have gone through a change of name from Saul sea to son of the right. May my repentece be accepted by man and G-d. I believe that running away from this world is not to be commended. I respect ultra orthodox Jews and Muslims; however, I do not number myself among them. I'm not quite comfortable with the Christain idea that the physical is unholy. I do, though, greatly respect Pope Benedict for his embrace of the world of science. In this respect, I admire him more than I do Rav Elyashiv (don't get me wrong-Rav Elyashiv is a much bigger Talmid Chacham). Sidhartha is the world's greatest book. Narcisuss and Goldmund is the world's second greatest book.