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[edit] =Region associated with Sophytes
It appears that many sources online, including the link posted below, associate Sophytes with Bactria (Northern Afghanistan) rather than the Punjab. Why is there no mention of this in the article? Could one of the authors of this article respond to this? Also, it might be helpful to mention the location of coin hoards. Specifically, if we can associate coins with specific locations in south asia be it places in pakistani punjab or northern afghanistan, it might be more helpful than to the reader. Lastly, given the existence of continuing debate over the origins and the extent of power for this historical figure, is it wise to associate some type of non-existent honorific (i.e. Ruler in Northern India) when the veracity of this point remains open at best? It should be noted that we still cannot confirm what side of the hindu kush demetrius of bactria actually conquered, and Alexander's brief rule in the subcontinent was limited to the northwest and not northern india.