Stella Nova
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Stella Nova is one of New Zealand's largest science fiction fandom associations. Originally known as the Science Fiction Modellers' Club of New Zealand, it is based in the country's largest city (Auckland) where it is the largest sf fan club. Other than the core club, it also runs nearly 20 special activities groups for fans interested in different subgenres of science fiction, fantasy, and related activities such as role-playing gaming. The club puts out a regular magazine entitled NovaZine (previously titled Model+Space).
Members of Stella Nova have been heavily involved in the running of several New Zealand National Science Fiction Conventions, including OdysseyCon in 2001, EmotiCon in 2003, ConTour in 2004 and currently Conclave for 2006. New Zealand National Science Fiction Conventions are held each year, frequently alternating between Auckland and Wellington.
One activity of the club is creation of fan videos - one of those involved in the early days of these videos, Philippa Boyens, has progressed from this to the top of the world of professional fantasy film production with such films as The Lord of the Rings film trilogy. Other ex members of Stella Nova who progressed from Model Making (scratch building & kit-bashing) to working on special effects for The Lord of the Rings film trilogy are Norman Cates and Mary MacLachlan. Well worth mentioning is ex member Wayne Taz Stables for the computer effects on The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, Shrek 2 and now EA Games.
[edit] External links
- Stella Nova
- Conclave Science Fiction Convention
- IMDB entry for Mary MacLachlan
- IMDB entry for Norman Cates