Steve Kilbey
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Steve Kilbey (13 September 1954) is the lead singer of Australian rock band The Church. He is also a songwriter, bassist, guitarist, keyboardist, producer, poet, and painter. He has been a vegan for a few decades. Since 1985, Kilbey has released several solo projects and collaboratively written and/or produced recordings with artists such as Grant McLennan of The Go-Betweens, Stephen Cummings, and Kev Carmody. Earthed, a book of fiction, was published in 1986, in conjunction with an album of the same name of instrumental electronic music. His book of poetry, Nineveh/The Ephemeron, was released in 1998 and was later republished. He now lives in Bondi, near Sydney, Australia, with his wife and three of his five children.
A biography of Steve Kilbey titled No Certainty Attached is due to be released in 2007 by Verse Chorus Press.
The following is a self-description from Steve Kilbey's blog, The Time Being (
"Tuesday, February 13, 2007
re-set + q n a with doodles
name: kilbey steven john
born :1 3 9 54 , welwyn garden city , england
religion : church of england
sex : male
occupation : musician
country of citizenship : england
country of residency : australia
married : yes
children : 5
current abode : nth bondi, nsw 2026
aka : the killer, the time being, nevets yeblik, slim
height : just under 6 feet
weight : 13 stone/ 82 k
blood type : Oprevious occupations : n/a
mobile ph : n/a
type of food preferred : gourmet vegan
type of food not prefferred : anything dead, eggplant, cucumber capsicum
favourite drink : jaeger n red bull
favourite smoke : neils purple heads
favourite music : spacerock, ambient, trex, bowie, dylan, beatles, stones
be bop deluxe, television, jeff buckley, la dusseldorf, harmonia
big star, krautrock, progrock, shoegazers, glamrock, go-bes, triffids
indian, sheila chandra, harold budd, john foxx
least favourite music : rap, boy bands, girl bands, grunge, heavy, country
opera, trad-jazz, disco, dance, doof-doof,retro, fifties, schmaltz
type of female you like : no makeup, no perfume , must like music, non carnivorous
type of female you dont like : bitchy madeup gossipy drunken smoking bints
type of male you like : straight but not "straight" , no make up no perfume, non carn
type of male you dislike : macho or effeminate, threatening or simpering
stupidest thing you ever did : telling meat eaters to piss off
best thing you ever did : telling meat eaters to piss off
hopes for future : would like world peace, the complete defeat of meat
and a small villa in vaucluse
fears for future : more war, more meat and stuck here above noisy bunch
proud of : biting the hand that feeds
regrets : not biting hard enough while i had better teeth...
buy a fender...the rolls royce of basses"
Contents |
[edit] Discography
[edit] Albums
- Unearthed (1986)
- Earthed (1987)
- The Slow Crack (1989)
- Remindlessness (1990)
- Narcosis EP (1991)
- Narcosis + (1997)
- Dabble (2001)
[edit] Collections
- Acoustic & Intimate (2000)
- Freaky Conclusions (2003)
[edit] Collaborations
Hex (with ex-Game Theory's Donnette Thayer)
- Hex (1989)
- Vast Halos (1990)
Curious (Yellow) (with Karin Jansson)
- Taken By Surprise (1990)
- Charms and Blues (1990)
- Love Itself (1990)
Jack Frost (with Grant McLennan of The Go-Betweens):
- Jack Frost (1991)
- Snow Job (1996)
Fake (with Sandy Chick):
- Fake (1994)
Isidore (with Remy Zero's Jeffrey Cain)
- Isidore (2004)
Gilt Trip (with his brother Russell Kilbey)
- Gilt Trip (1997)
- Egyptian Register (2005)
[edit] Sales figures
There is no exact information available about sales figures for each album. However, John Kilbey from Karmic Hit Records published some official figures: each release sold between 5 and 27568 (as of August 18, 2005). The "5" probably is the Fire Down Below EP, a-test pressing with only a few items produced (rumored to be 5).
[edit] External links
- Kilbey's blog
- Art gallery selling Kilbey's paintings and poster
- Kilbey interview
- Kilbey interview on the Drinks With Tony radio show